Another post Botox diary

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Re: Another post Botox diary

Postby Mypoorbutt » 29 Mar 2017, 02:05

Hi Hun good to hear from you. Yes these awful things can cause a lot of frustration. I too have good and bad days but there are more good than bad. As you know my LIS wasn't a wonder cure and I still have days with aching and spasms. But on the whole I'm better than before. I agree we have to find joy in the good days and just try and get through the bad ones. Do you have any plans for another Botox Hun x
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Re: Another post Botox diary

Postby mamafizz » 29 Mar 2017, 18:59

MBP just wanted to share alittle info... #1 it is 2.5 mo since the Surgeon said my fissure was healed after Botox, and you were right it does get better. I think I still have underlying tissue that may still be healing? Not sure still sore and achy up to tailbone, do you still experience any of this. But the Fissure Pain way better. Just about gone. So I have to say if the muscles keep relaxing I am def on the right road.

Gilmore Girl I wanted to share with you I know of a person who had the sphincterotomy about 4 months after having her first baby and she got through the 8 week recovery WITHOUT heavy painkillers so she could nurse her baby. Took about 11 months until she felt like her old self total but thought I would let you know of that great result. I can actually sit sideways driving now for short runs to the store myself. etc.. hurts but making it happen. I guess I could take some Ibprofen, not sure how much is safe in a day I rarely take but not sure if it is constipating even though that has not been an issue, I have the other way mostly. The best is yet to come! Best to all.

WaterBear... Just wondering if your banding helped eliminate your symptoms? What was your major complaint with the internal hem, I think my leftover achy soreness at tailbone might very well be more hem related than fissure related.. Hope your still getting better each day.!
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Re: Another post Botox diary

Postby roseyaa » 12 Feb 2018, 19:37

Healingthroughdiet - How are you doing? Would love to hear some updates from you, good or bad. I've finally healed from my fissure, and shared my success story. I never gave up testing things, and I hope you haven't either! Please come back if you have time to let us know how you're doing.
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