HTD - I missed you! I haven't been able to login to my original account (I changed the board theme, and it keeps redirecting to a blank page after). Then after I got a new account, my ENTIRE update post was somehow deleted when the site logged me out.

But coming back here to give you some support and share some of my updates (I discovered something that could possibly help you tremendously!!)
Chia: I think that there's definitely more insoluble than soluble in it as it bulked up my stool. There was just so much poop! Plus it made me really bloated even when I soaked it overnight (at least 8+ hours). So that's a no go.
Mangoes: these work really well for me, but they're expensive to eat every day. It has a bit of a laxative effect for me.
Prunes: these are not a long-term solution for me because they make me fart too much, but I do like eating a few of them. I've also read that some people have had to eat more and more for them to work. Prune juice works better than prunes I read, but I'm not sure I want to become dependent on it.
Tomatoes: I rarely eat tomatoes, so I couldn't tell you if they're good/bad.
Cucumber: I still eat them here and there, but my body doesn't crave/want it, so I think it's a sign I'm not deficient in the nutrients it has.
Alright onto the new stuff I've been testing!!
Alfalfa tablets - a miracle but...While I was reading through pregnancy forums and searching for how expecting mothers were dealing with constipation... alfalfa kept popping up as something mid-wives suggested for stool softening. HTD, have you tried?
So I went out and got Bernard Jensen's alfalfa tablets (550mg). Women reported having looser stool after taking 6, so I started with 6 and then gradually increased it until my poops were just right.
I thought it'd cure me because it made my stool so easy to pass and soft but not too soft when I took 8 tablets per day!! It really was a miracle.
That's swallowing 3 before lunch (I just eat handful of golden raisins for breakfast), 2 before my mid-afternoon fruits, and 3 before dinner. (I tried chewing, but it didn't seem to have the same stool softening effect.)
I was pretty consistent with it for 3 weeks. Then I was curious to break it up and take 4 with lunch and 4 with dinner and see how that would affect stool consistency.
Well, that was a BAD idea!!! I broke out in hives all down both thighs. I was so scared, so I stopped taking alfalfa completely the next day.
A day later - my condition got worse. My wrists were swollen and painful, my ankles were swollen (and in pain), my knees hurt so bad I could barely walk. My back hurt too.
I didn't immediately link the pain to not taking alfalfa because at that time I also had a sore throat so I thought it was a cold.
Well I think the alfalfa triggered an immune response and made me more susceptible to catching the cold.
I no longer have the cold, but still experiencing the pain (it's getting better). I was actually in the ER 2 days ago to get it checked out.... the ER doc thinks it's a sensitivity to the alfalfa as I ramped up the dose.
I still recommend it - but not taking so many with meals (spread them out like I did initially), and not go cold turkey IF an allergic reaction develops.
Hempseed oilAfter I stopped taking alfalfa, my system stopped moving. I couldn't induce a BM until much later in the day, which made my stool dry, hard, and difficult to push out. Yup, lots of pain and blood after weeks of amazing bm's.
I had to try something else... so I went onto the next solution: hempseed oil. Someone on the IBS forum said it helped increase their stool transit time so there was less time for it to harden.
Link: ... pseed-oil/I tried taking 1tbsp with lunch and 1tbsp with dinner. It did not help even after taking for a couple of days. Infact, it seemed worse than olive oil which at least made my stool oilier!
I also read you shouldn't exceed 2tbsp/day or it becomes toxic... so it's not something I can take more of unlike EVOO.
But I did hear it's really good for the body and it increases your libido. Might end up returning it.
Flaxseed So I went back to what worked for me in the past: soaked flaxseed! And it worked but as expected, it also made my stools larger. Sigh. I've had bloody streaks almost every day but my stool does slide out.
That's where I'm at right now. I've lowered the dosage of flaxseed to 1/2tsp soaked for a couple of hours and take it after dinner with a cup of water (when I take it with lunch and dinner, it would bulk it too much).
It's not ideal.... so I'm now looking for some solution that will help my stool retain more water. It could be that I don't have enough good bacteria and need probiotics, but it just takes so long for probiotics to work for me (tried a couple in the past).
RutinOh I forgot to talk about Rutin!! There were several stories (both here -
topic6834.html - and other forums) that it cured fissures and hemmy's. It strengthens the veins and capillaries so you don't bleed as easily.
I took this for about 1-2 weeks about 1-2 months ago and it made a HUGE difference. I really think I would have healed within 2 weeks if I didn't mess up with an incredibly hard/big/painful BM which tore me so badly (it was caused by not going for a bm in the afternoon when I had the urge to).
So I stopped it to fix my stool consistency first.
If you're interested - I recommend taking 500mg/day. I started off with 250mg/day, which still helped but I really felt a difference in pain levels after ramping it up to 500mg/day.
I just ordered the Thompson ones online because of the great reviews - you can look them up in the link below (I was previously taking the Natural Factors one).
Link: ... B001E0ZM1WThe missing piece right now is something that will make my stool softer and that is natural (and won't trigger an immune response!).
Combined with Rutin and I'm fairly confident I'll be good within 2-3 weeks.
Cavilon Barrier CreamI regret spending money on this (I read a review that it helped heal someone's fissure along with fiber and diet).
It dried me out and made it feel like I could even tear while walking. I don't recommend this.
Drinking sea salt waterI tried this a few days as I read that a low sodium diet can lead to constipation. I know that when I switched to a healthier diet to make my stools softer, I was not getting enough sodium.
It's recommended to take 1/2 tsp of salt in water in the am and pm and see if it gets things moving. I started out with pinches of salt in water and drank it in the evening and also in the morning.
I don't really think it has done much. Might even have dehydrated me! But it could also be that I needed unrefined sea salt (the one I got did not indicate whether it was unrefined or refined).
Wheat branMy mother bought a package of bran for me. I'm not sure how to make it. Think it would be overkill to add it to my oatmeal... but never tried it, so maybe it will help with the transit time? I'll start with like maybe 1/4th of a tsp.
That's all for updates for now. I'll update when I find something that works well!!