LIS Recovery Diary

Diary describing my LIS experience.

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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Payne4me » 23 Aug 2017, 08:30 thing we can do is and in there and try to so tired of lettuce...and watermelon...but it seems that as long as i go that getting thing that ive noticed thats kind of strange is that after a good BM and driving an hour...i get the urge for another BM with no success. I guess its the drive...but i cant avoid it. Im 61 and its definitely discouraging...
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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Harper05 » 11 Sep 2017, 19:40

I was having a great week last week, I thought I was on the way t feeling great. then this week, I feel sore after BM again, not like AF pain, just general soreness. Does this happen to you guys at all? good weeks.. then feeling sore again ?
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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Hopeful0161 » 11 Sep 2017, 23:49

YES! It is very discouraging but I just have to keep on keepin on. Try to do a hot sitz bath right after BMs if you can. Just like the ones that go over your toilet. Even if you just sit in it for 5 minutes, it really helps minimize the soreness. Make sure your stool does not come out too fast. My CRS has emphasized this. She said I could even have anal sex if I wanted to (I don't want to!!!) as long as its slow. So what I do when I feel like it wants to come out too fast, I just hold it in real quick and try to let it come out slowly. Very graphic but I hope it helps you.
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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Harper05 » 12 Sep 2017, 06:06

Good to know to it's normal! I saw my crs last week and told him I was feeling good, and now I'm regretting that.
Any ideas to why sore then not sore? And when will it finally be gone?!
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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Payne4me » 12 Sep 2017, 09:01

Harp. I'm 8 weeks out from surgery. If you're like me. You're healing. And with that you're pressing the parameters of normalcy. For example not eating what's best for fissure recovery. Perhaps trying to cut back on the usage of stool softeners and Miralax. And lastly maybe getting a little too aggressive in the throne. Well I am without pain. I am still experiencing a bit of discomfort from BMs but it's short lived. I think if I could behave another month or so...I'd be done with this. Every morn I get up and say I'm going to be good. And I'm not behaving!!!
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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Harper05 » 12 Sep 2017, 19:40

I'm 8 weeks post op too, so you have good weeks and bad?
I really thought I was on my way up last week!!! and this week just a total set back
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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Payne4me » 13 Sep 2017, 11:14

Harp: I'm with you. Today I had a spot of coagulated blood. My own fault. I jumped off the bandwagon too soon. Back on whole wheat toast and eggs and salads. I don't want to exacerbate the situation. Frustrating to say the least. But I know what I gotta do. Alsoiincreased my intake of miralax. Close but no cigar. Don't really have any other choice. Hang in there.
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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Harper05 » 13 Sep 2017, 11:57

So I asked two crs's about diet and they both said it does not matter what I eat. But I see a lot of people on here post about food and what they are eating, so I'm conflicted, I eat really healthy so it doesn't matter, but just curious to the different opinions
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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Payne4me » 13 Sep 2017, 15:21

My experience: when I behave. Take stool softener and Miralax 2x's a day. My stool is soft and I don't need to push it. What do I eat:
Ole Extreme high fiber Wraps only glutton I eat. Eggs vegetables salads melon fruits. I stay away from dairy red meat. Fish Chicken only protein I have success. When I eat white bread French fries Chips Pretzels chocolate. Nuts. I have issues. I. Know ejat I need to do. It's just execution that's my problem. No will power.
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Re: LIS Recovery Diary

Postby Harper05 » 25 Sep 2017, 07:53

will it be this way forever? I have good weeks and then feel sore again after a hard BM, just when I feel like I'm getting better!
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