by Hopeful0161 » 12 Jun 2017, 00:23
Day 4: Woke up feeling great and pain free again. Actually got out of the house and went to breakfast with my bf. Sitting on a donut pillow of course. No shame! Lol I had a whole wheat waffle, fresh fruit, and coffee with almond milk. Prune juice and water as usual all day. Around noon I was starting to feel like finally I had to go to the bathroom. Attempted but nothing would come out. Could feel it there but I was too scared to push. I could also tell there was stool there ready to come out because my fissure started to hurt from the pressure. Not making it easier to try and go! I decided to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then grab a venti coffee right after in hopes of getting things moving. Still nothing. An hourish went by. I ate left over sushi with brown rice and some broccoli. Decided to put some lidocaine on my butthole thinking that maybe if I numb it a bit, it would be easier to go. An hour later I finally went! But not a lot. I feel like there's still more there but it wouldn't come out. The good news is that the pain was not so bad upon exiting and my stool was not hard. Bulky and the consistency of a banana which is what my doctor told me it should be. I think I owe this to the fiber, stool softeners, and tons of liquids. I soaked in a sitz bath after and didn't feel much lingering pain. An hour later I felt like I had to go more. I tried and tried but again, it wouldn't come out. This time the fissure site was hurting pretty bad. Was not able to have another BM by the end of the day.