by Asskicker » 09 Jul 2018, 10:51
Hello! First i want to state that im from Sweden so My English may be a bit broken.
Been reading allround the net about the problems like you have.
I have a similiar situation like you. Got some kind of hemorriod after sitting alot and eating bad in march 2015. Also got the kind of pressure you talking about (feels like something is stuck between buttcheecks and). Also got alot of itching, and some minimal leakage. Visisted a lot of doctors, did like 10 rectal examinations and they o ly Said i had a minimal anal tag.
This sffected my sex life and relationsship with My girlfriend , also because i obsessed alot about. I got a disgnosis of GAD so ive started therapy for this. In 2017 My girlfriend broke up with me and i went in THE party train and tried to be a "new better man" in the end i decided that THE solution to stop thinking about My butt was plastic surgery on THE anal tag. I was tells anxious about this and rescheudled the operation alot of times bit in the i did it. After i felt like THE feeling was worse then before, like i have to little skin there after the removal and THE pressure even more persistent, like the a hole is kind of crooked and tense.
I started with anti-dep meds and therapy and since then it may havet inproved My mental state s Little bit but i still have almost THE same feeling like after the surgery (maybe a Little bit better). Started with more training, yoga and breathing techniques to try to relax the spchinter cuz maybe its it that is tense like tours. (been reading a lot about this and it may also have improve it a Little bit just for some hours then its back).
Just wanted to share to a fellow brother in a likewise situation and also check how you are doing, IF you have any advice or just want to let of some steam by writing?! As you may know its not good for guys like us to obsess much on the net about this but i think you could Always learn from others.
Best regards and sry for the grammar writing from phone.
//Asskicker (search My name IF you wanna Read more about the story)