by MeanMrMustard » 16 May 2017, 05:31
I know your post is a while ago. I can definitely relate to your condition, as mine ia very very similar.
What basically happens to me is tightness and pain in my butt. Anus and rectum. Sometimes it goes away for months. Sometimes it comes back for weeks. It started in my case with a severe case of anxiety. I thought it was a fissure because it also coincided with trauma in that area. I did two anoscopy by two different general surgeons, one sigmoidoscopy, and two complete endoscopy by two other docs. No one doctor could find any fissure. Only small hemorrhoids. So what was the diagnosis? Mild hemorrhoids! Guess what? I fbelieved it was caused by hemorrhoids and took the suppositories for two weeks; guess what else? The pain started to go away, but very gradually and with intermittent relapses over a few months. What do I believe was the cause now? Anxiety induced psychosomatic pain.
Here are details of my condition: the pain eases when falling asleep; when the pain is severe a BM can make it temporarily better (ease of the tension in the butt); heavy cardio can ease off the pain; when the pain is severe even a fart can provide momentary relief (sorry); pain can shoot down a thigh; pain can be like something is stuck up my butt; it can feel like pricking, throbbing, burning, spasm, insane tightness, really dull ache; pain can be focused on one side in the rectum but it can be symmetrical just as often; sometimes it comes with mild pain in lower abdomen and groin area. It can be debilitating and can irritate to the point of frustration. During severe flair ups, inserting a lubricated finger and massaging gently inside towards the back can provide momentary relief (looked this up from google and it seemed to be a marginally effective treatment).
I have recovered on my own by trying to keep my mind away from it. It still comes back every a few months and stays for any period between a few hours, a few days or a few weeks. I've had this issue for 3 years now. It does have a trigger though. In my case, as strange as it may seem, and as embarrassing, my trigger is the subtlest erogenous touch or massage around my butt/crotch or the gentlest masturbation down there. If I go to massage parlor which I do often because of my back pain, and the massagist massages my glutes, and I become aroused, sometime later, a few hours or next day, that would trigger the pain cycle. It's weird. Anyway, sofar after my recovery that seems to be my only trigger. However, I am feeling slight pain down there as I type this right now, although I've been fine lately, which again points out the psychosomatic nature of the problem. It puzzles me too. Sometimes I wonder if a muscle had been damaged and it goes into abnormal spasm as a result of mild physical and/or psychological agitation of it (the massage or just hyperawareness of that area). I definitely try to avoid the subtlest erogenous touch down there. It never gets triggered by genital masturbation though, nor through regular sex. In any case, if I now go for a massage I make sure nobody touches my butt, and I usually stay fine. I've only recently came to this conclusion so I'll see if nothing else triggers it for the next months to come. If so, then I guess I'd have to stick to my joystick down there and leave what's around it alone. I do feel irritation or similar discomfort after hard BM but not for long and not as intense as those debilitating cycles of pain.