Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 08 Oct 2022, 00:32

I did next day that was the hardest. I did have to use one and still am more to keep it all dry down there in not having any bleeding, only a tiny bit after bowel movement
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 11 Oct 2022, 12:18

It’s not 5 days after my surgery, the pain was worst on day 2, but it still wasn’t terrible, was able to get stuff done around the house. I am off of work this week, but if I were able to work from home I would be able to. In the morning when I have a bowel movement there is some blood, but nothing crazy. The worst part now is having to wear the panty liner, so it could def be much worse. I still took two stool softeners yesterday, but think I am going to switch to one today.

How is your wound? Is it healing? I looked today, I actually have two holes/wounds due to have a fistula as well, hopefully those heal on the quicker side. Hopefully my BM remain good as well, haven’t had any issues, but the stool softener helps I am sure.
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 11 Oct 2022, 15:12

Glad you are managing to get some things done and hope it continues to be ok for you.

I have my follow up on Saturday- meant to be after 4 weeks but due to having to rearrange he is seeing me at 3.5 weeks. Hoping all is looking OK.

My bowel movement pain is getting less. I do stuff have some discomfort when I am on feet alot but managed to go shopping today walking round for hours and apart from some aching pain it was not too bad at all. I'm just so glad to be able to get on with normal things, and doing alot more big jobs round the house this weekend which I just have not got to due to been in pain for months with this fissure.

Did not have any pain killers today either so I'm feeling positive, hoping continues to get better. No bleeding last 2 days so fingers crossed healing OK. I'm carrying on with stool softeners biy scared not too
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 25 Oct 2022, 14:06

How are u getting on now?
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 30 Oct 2022, 13:07

How is going, question for you, after your post op check up, did you have any blood? I didn’t have any blood for a few days, then had that, since then there has been a little bit during cleanup, nothing major, but was hoping I was done with that.
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 16 Nov 2022, 07:09

Still have a blood every now and then when I clean up, but not in the stool or in the toilet, have you had this at all?
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 16 Nov 2022, 13:12

Hi yeah I did on and off up until the last couple of weeks. Mainly when I had eaten something a bit stodgy e.g. we had pizza and then Chinese as husbands bday... have still been eating lots of fruit and veg mainly and have managed it ok since. Still having a small but of discomfort after BM too but have second follow up next week will ask him.
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 17 Nov 2022, 10:30

I dot have anything else scheduled, but thinking I will give them a call since I still see blood at times, usually only in the AM though.
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 28 Nov 2022, 16:21

How are you doing now? I went for my second follow up and he said the fissure is completely healed! I do still feel a tiny bit of, not sure id say pain, but more I'm just aware of some feeling in the area after a bowel movement. He said there was some scar tissue following the operation and that could be it.... he said I will be best to stay on lactulose and may always be at risk of retearing... so lifestyle is really important but I so find it hard sometimes... hope your OK!
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 30 Nov 2022, 07:04

Pretty good for the most part, I made an appointment last Monday, Dr said the fissure looks good but still healing. Said the blood could have been from the fissure bc there is still a tiny bit that needs healing. Went without any blood for about 10 days, but have seen a little bit the last couple. He said to call if I still see some after about 6-8 weeks. There is not pain, so that’s good. Hopefully this his the last time I see anything, but not too optimistic at this point.
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