Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

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Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 23 Sep 2022, 11:30

I am scheduled for a fissurectomy and Botox next month. Reading the experiences here make me want to cancel the procedure. I have had issues for a long time, but lately they have been worse. I would now and again see blood when I went to the bathroom, but there wasn’t always pain or pain after. The last year is when there was significant pain at times, and even fisafter. I was going to doctor who basically said just eat more fiber, but that didn’t really help, so after a few months I went and got another opinion. I have fissure with scar tissue, which also developed a fistula under it. Every now and then I see a small amount of puss discharge. The new doctor recommended the fissurectomy with Botox to clean up the scar tissue and let the fissure heal. He stated 1-2 weeks out of work, I am hoping I can go back after a week, however reading these experiences, it sounds like a nightmare. Has a ad be had these procedure and got back to life quickly?
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 25 Sep 2022, 08:29

Hi I have had this 3 days ago. Day 3 pain was bad going to toilet this morning, I had morphine and ibuprofen after. I feel ok at the moment tho. I think it may just be painful with each bowel movement for a while. Hoping eases each day. Will keep u posted or post a diary on here of how I'm recovering
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 26 Sep 2022, 04:11

I am on day 4 and it still hurt to go to the toilet today but feeling alot better :-)
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 27 Sep 2022, 07:30

How bad is the pain after, and how long does it last? Can you continue with daily activities after? Or are you stuck in bed all day?
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 27 Sep 2022, 12:36

The first 3 days the pain was pretty bad i was in bed most the dayand struggled walking round. This is day 5 I have been working from home and did not have tonlie down after bowel movements for the first time. Have had ibuprofen tho. I do still have some discomfort tho and am doing regular sitz baths. Not driven yet and been out to the shops as luckily have family helping with my kids. If I had to I could manage to do the school run but trying to take it easy. I would struggle to drive far. I've cooked and done basics like washing etc. It is getting better hoping for more improvement tomorrow
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 30 Sep 2022, 06:07

How is going? Less than a week for me.
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 01 Oct 2022, 04:07

Hi its now day 9 post surgery and feeling alot better than I thought I would. Still discomfort but manageable. Managed to work from home all week but took it easy. This week I'm going to be out and about more. I'm feeling quite positive now. I read some bad stories about pain after and it has not been as bad as I had imagined. The first 3 days were really bad but since then feels like I'm improving. I take lactulose twice a day which has helped regular bowel movement. Yesterday it hurt more as quite large so I'm trying to eat small portions and lots of fruit n veg still. Can't wait to be able to eat what I like. How are you feeling about yours?
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 02 Oct 2022, 11:15

In he read those same stories which has me pretty nervous. I can’t work from home with my job, so hopefully I don’t have to take a lot of time off. I take Metamucil now, so will continue with that, and I imagine they will tell me to take a stool softener as well. We’re you able to do anything for the first three days? Is the pain constant for those three days or does it come and go?
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby paige33 » 02 Oct 2022, 11:52

Also did you have a fistula too,
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Re: Any successful fissurectomy Botox success stories?

Postby Painpleasego » 02 Oct 2022, 14:45

The first three days for me i was pretty much in bed. Did more by evening. I did not have a fistula no. I would say it was most of the day after bowel movement the pain initially. Its just such a horrible problem im hoping this week I am recovered more I am back out working from Tuesday
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