by paige33 » 23 Sep 2022, 11:30
I am scheduled for a fissurectomy and Botox next month. Reading the experiences here make me want to cancel the procedure. I have had issues for a long time, but lately they have been worse. I would now and again see blood when I went to the bathroom, but there wasn’t always pain or pain after. The last year is when there was significant pain at times, and even fisafter. I was going to doctor who basically said just eat more fiber, but that didn’t really help, so after a few months I went and got another opinion. I have fissure with scar tissue, which also developed a fistula under it. Every now and then I see a small amount of puss discharge. The new doctor recommended the fissurectomy with Botox to clean up the scar tissue and let the fissure heal. He stated 1-2 weeks out of work, I am hoping I can go back after a week, however reading these experiences, it sounds like a nightmare. Has a ad be had these procedure and got back to life quickly?