anybody else found fissures heal when you eat more?

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Re: anybody else found fissures heal when you eat more?

Postby Okaybum » 23 Mar 2019, 04:31

My crs will do it when doing the fissurectomy and Botox. She's going to check for inflammation to see if I have celiac disease or Crohn's.
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Re: anybody else found fissures heal when you eat more?

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 23 Mar 2019, 10:51

Ag. This has been growing on me and making more sense with my situation. Thanks for this post.

How did you transition to No wheat? Was it you just started one day or was it a gradual switch? tia
Deleted User 7275

Re: anybody else found fissures heal when you eat more?

Postby SueMac » 24 Mar 2019, 07:26

Agibson interesting post. It's so hard to get this right. I think everyone is different and we have to experiment. But with pain in between this can be tough. I'm glad you've found what works for you. I am not there yet and a bit stuck as to what to eat and what not to. But I will review your diet again and perhaps try it.
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Re: anybody else found fissures heal when you eat more?

Postby Agibson » 30 Mar 2019, 08:37

Abu, i couldnt agree more. i still dont trust wheat grains and much prefer rice and potatoes for carbs. i have a rice cooker which gets a lot of use! bread never works out well.

okaybum, i had a colonoscopy - it was wierd but it wasnt too bad. lovely staff, bit of gas as i remember. ive had other examinations that were very much more painful!
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Re: anybody else found fissures heal when you eat more?

Postby Agibson » 30 Mar 2019, 08:54

walking wednesday,

thanks for the reply.

I tend to just go straight in cold turkey - if that stuff is in the house i cant not eat it - but i can walk past it in the aisle it seems. i used to live on bread, partly for taste but also convenience. If i want convenience now, those torteloni packets are good, pizza seems fine too. but wholegrains/high fibre, no.

i wont buy sandwiches for lunch anymore, or make toast, or buy any pastries, I dont miss them now ive forgotten about them.

i just made sure i had replacements for everytime that a bread/grain habit reared its head! although pasta seems not so bad.

Good luck!
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Re: anybody else found fissures heal when you eat more?

Postby Agibson » 30 Mar 2019, 09:00


yep its a riddle isnt it.

all i feel is that everything i eat better be digestible! that fibre accumulates, and i dont believe i my system needs any 'help' but for me to get out of the way, at least thats how it appears to me. in trying it, for me it was 'what have i got to lose?'

anyway, i wish you luck with your approach! or is it exit.
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Re: anybody else found fissures heal when you eat more?

Postby SueMac » 01 Apr 2019, 11:54

Haha yes exit I guess!! It’s a trial and error approach that’s for sure. But sharing what works for you is possibly going to help at least one person.
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