Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

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Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby fissurevshems » 30 Aug 2013, 20:18

So I have been having pain for 2 years now. Initially thought to be hems. I am now status post banding and eventually a THD. Then it was thought to be a fissure. More recently I am status post botox. After the botox therapy I was having even worsening pressure. I went to the CRS and he palpated the residual fissure and there was no pain. Then he lightly touched my levator muscles and off the table I went. He prescribed physical therapy. Are there any men out there who have this problem and have been through the physical therapy? If so how did it go?
Regarding the cause of the pain, it may have initially been hems or a fissure or maybe none of those at all. Maybe it was levator syndrome the whole time.
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Re: Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby SSK » 26 Oct 2013, 10:40

Hi fissurevshems,
Just wondering how you are doing now? Do you have a confirmed diagnosis of levator ani syndrome?
I am 3 months post second LIS surgery for a fissure but still having issues. Doctors think that the fissure has healed from outside but need to do an exam under anesthesia to see what's going on inside. If no fissure is found, that points towards levator ani muscles in spasm. I can't believe how hard this is turning out to be.
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Re: Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby alfa147adam » 13 Dec 2013, 07:03

Hi, I am a sufferer of these sorts of aches and pressure sensations for about 5 years on and off. I find times of increased anxiety make my problem a whole lot worse. It all started with an intense ache just between my anus and testicles. This was thought to be prostatitus so was put on antibiotics. This problem went away for a few weeks then I started to feel a dull ache in my anus. This was about 5 years ago and I have suffered ever since. I have had scans and seen specialists and they have come up with the conclusion that it is psycosimatic. I am a major worrier and I agree with what they say. When I am completely relaxed without a care in the world I am fine. No pain at all. I find the more I focus on this problem the worse it is. I can be sat watching tv and think to myself I haven't had this problem for a week or so and then boom its back and then it is all I can think about. Its like a sensation that I have to poop all the time and just really tense down there. I can feel a sort of flutter down there when things relax and it feels great but then it tenses up again. Trust me it is amazing what the brain can do to your body. Try not to let this problem take a hold of you. I have done this many times and it ruins your life. I am coming to terms with this problem and have lots of support. I am due to see a cbt expert to help and I am on anti anxiety meds. The body tenses up if it thinks we are under some sort of threat. Humans hold a lot of tension in the pelvic muscles.
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Re: Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby kamard2300 » 21 Jul 2023, 15:43

Hello did you ovefcome this
Im a sufferer as well
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Re: Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby Rich44 » 03 Aug 2023, 13:19

kamard2300 wrote:Hello did you ovefcome this
Im a sufferer as well
Hi, I am not 100% sure I had it but here's what I can tell you.

I already had developed a fissure in the summer of 2014. By the fall I started having a tightness when I would stand up after having a BM around my tailbone. It made it hard to walk! I would go to my desk at work and try to sit down on it. It was excruciating but once I said down it would immediately dissipate as the muscle would relax. I think the doctor said it was the levator muscle.

Anyway this continued for 18 months. Eventually it got so bad that it felt like I was sitting on a golf ball - even in the car. I couldn't even sit and relax on a couch anymore! The CRS simply said "you have to break the cycle." I didn't really know what to do.

In January 2016 I quit my job. The spasm issue was gone that same week. It was all stress from the job.

Something is stressing you out. Your job, your financial situation, your love life, your family, your kids, your spouse, your school, etc. You have a big change ahead of you.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
Botox, skin tag removed - Feb 2015
Levator Ani Sep 2014 - Feb 2016 (left job, cured!)
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Re: Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby kamard2300 » 03 Aug 2023, 14:30

Thank you rich
Im 27 yo and same, anal fissure healed, discomfort and tightness
What is worrying me is this pain and tightness I feel I feel hopeless over it
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Re: Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby Rich44 » 03 Aug 2023, 15:18

kamard2300 wrote:Thank you rich
Im 27 yo and same, anal fissure healed, discomfort and tightness
What is worrying me is this pain and tightness I feel I feel hopeless over it
Sorry you feel hopeless. There is a cure, you just have to find it. If you truly feel you have no outside stress in your life, then you have to work on relaxation techniques, meditation, exercise, eat well and try to mentally manage the pain. Muscle spasms typically have a source that triggers them. Have you gone for physical therapy or massage? Rectal massage?
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
Botox, skin tag removed - Feb 2015
Levator Ani Sep 2014 - Feb 2016 (left job, cured!)
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Re: Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby kamard2300 » 03 Aug 2023, 15:22

Thank you

My case sounds à little bit like yours you had fissure and discom that persisted à year and à halfafter healed fissure... my tissues may been tense bc I thought rubber band ligation could help me but I think it just fucked me more...

Im having help.. people who gives me courage bc I feel hopeless they say time relaxation, trigger point release, and stretches may help

I feel my life is over at 27.. why I ask everyday ):

Also im reading headache in the pelvis and taking some antidepressant
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Re: Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby kamard2300 » 03 Aug 2023, 15:25

I know what stress me its the tighness
I suffer from général anxiety and I cant keep focusing on the tightness ans discomfort with give me more anxiety.
I really need to break the cycle its ruinjng my life
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Re: Are there any men with Levator Ani Syndrome?

Postby Rich44 » 03 Aug 2023, 15:28

You need to get serious about reading about treating this. Find doctors or therapists that may offer solutions. But be honest with yourself. Is there ANYTHING that is causing you stress in your life? You say you have general anxiety in life? There it is. You need to treat the anxiety and that should help break the mental cycle triggering this tightness.

The pain from this for me was really annoying and frustrating. 18 months! But I never felt my life was over. Come on! You have to be positive that you will beat it eventually. See another colorectal surgeon for their opinion. See a mental health professional about your anxiety. See a therapist. Life can still go on with it - it did for me. Of course it was nice that I broke the cycle, and you will too.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
Botox, skin tag removed - Feb 2015
Levator Ani Sep 2014 - Feb 2016 (left job, cured!)
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