About 8 months ago, I ate way too much broccoli and had the most impacted stool I have ever had. Nothing worked. Not enemas, not glycerine suppositories, not bisacodyl suppositories, not miralax.
Only thing that worked after half a day in the bathroom was this:
http://drbenkim.com/what-do-when-you-ha ... cted-stool
"Having your feet up on a squatty potty or stool so that you are in a squat-like position and holding a warm or hot compress (folded up hand towel works well) to your anal sphincter for a few minutes while in this position can help a great deal."
1. Hold Hot towel on anal sphincter.
2. Have feet raised up. (The edge of the tub worked well for sitting on and holding the towel to the sphincter. Then you can also periodically re-wet the towel with warm water from the spigot)
This was literally the only tip that worked at all to allow the impacted stool to exit.
I know this doesn't really have a proper forum area, but I really wanted to post this to help anyone else who cannot use the bathroom and has tried everything.