bleeding after LIS

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bleeding after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 06 May 2014, 20:11

I'm 8 days post LIS and have noticed some light spotting of blood the past 2 days. Do any of you post LIS find that when you start to increase your activity or sit down more that more bleeding happens? I didn't have any bleeding until yesterday since right after surgery.

Thanks! :thanx:
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Re: bleeding after LIS

Postby 19seventy » 07 May 2014, 06:36

Activity seems to increase some minor bleeding. I wouldn't worry about it unless it gets worse. Mine did the same thing. When I get a scab on my hands and increase my work sometimes it slightly bleeds as it's healing, maybe it's like that, dunno.
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Re: bleeding after LIS

Postby agnibeat » 11 May 2014, 15:27

It can bleed for 3 or 4 weeks... Key is there should be no blood clots per doctor. Also small brown discharge can be common.
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Re: bleeding after LIS

Postby vdb324 » 11 May 2014, 16:05

Mine was consistently bleeding up until 4 weeks. It is every once in awhile a pinprick now at 6 weeks, so I'm looking at that as progress!
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