by davminos » 06 Aug 2018, 12:08
Went to see the CRS today, good news is he cannot see the fissure, but did not want open too deeply and risk re-opening it. The last two visits he could clearly see the fissure and now cannot see it, which is a good sign that it is healing; told me to continue the Rectiv for three weeks twice a day and then one week once a day. The bad news is I've a thrombosed hem, and we already know that I've an internal hem; he did not want to use an anoscope risk causing a problem with the fissure which seems to be healing, but thinks the bleeding came from the hem. Told me to soak and it should come down, but once the fissure is fully resolved he suggested banding the hem. Thanks for the support, just hope things continue to resolve and this thrombosed hem doesn't cause any more problems. I go back for a follow up in four weeks. So, I think overall that is good news.