Blood again wth

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Blood again wth

Postby hurtinend » 23 Apr 2020, 11:36

After all these years I’m getting small amounts of blood with bm. Pain off the charts but it’s weird because the pain is different in some way now....doesn’t feel like the original glass feeling from the past....more of a deep burn that goes right up into my lower colon

I’m out if words I don’t believe the suffering will ever end.
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Re: Blood again wth

Postby chachacha » 23 Apr 2020, 19:59

Once COVID-19 is over, you need to sit in a doctor's office and refuse to leave until they provide you with a solution.
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Re: Blood again wth

Postby hurtinend » 24 Apr 2020, 13:04

Last colo rectal doc I saw last June said “I don't see much but your puborectalus muscle is hypertonic and hard, try biofeedback”
I did that at great cost it did nothing
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Re: Blood again wth

Postby chachacha » 24 Apr 2020, 14:32

You should probably go back to him/her and say that. And then perhaps make sure that he/she knows that you really, really, really need something that will work, even if that is an ostomy bag. I think you have made that request before, but they have to realize that you're doing everything else and it's simply NOT working.
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Re: Blood again wth

Postby hurtinend » 25 Apr 2020, 11:12

My mom says the same thing

I don’t know why the doctors refuse to do botox....I don’t see what I have to lose at this point.

I’ve had bouts of feeling like ending my life over the last 2 years as Ive told myself there is no solution

I wonder if a bag would actually end the pain down there? I guess the idea is that the muscle spasm will stop once the muscle stops having to work

It’s a pain that resists therapy and meds to quiet it down. Hydromorphone doesn’t even kill the pain.

It sounds so extreme but I can’t live this way
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Re: Blood again wth

Postby chachacha » 25 Apr 2020, 11:36

That's the point. It is beyond tolerable for you, and the doctors need to understand that - and understand it very emphatically!
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Re: Blood again wth

Postby patience_and_healing » 27 Apr 2020, 02:11

I'm so sorry you are having worse symptoms. I agree with chachacha that you need to not leave the doctor's office till they come up with a new treatment plan.
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Re: Blood again wth

Postby hurtinend » 27 Apr 2020, 14:43

I don’t think there is one. I just got on to the best pelvic physio in my area but Covid shut down any hands on therapy.

My file is so long doctors just steer me back to my family doc.

Its going to take a serious event on my part to get attention.
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Re: Blood again wth

Postby patience_and_healing » 28 Apr 2020, 18:09

Would the PT be willing to provide therapy if you wear a mask? My PT is still providing care but with reduced visits. I've opted not to go until the caseload reduces though.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Blood again wth

Postby hurtinend » 30 Apr 2020, 13:31

The government has shut down everything it’s not her decision

Filled the bowl with blood this morning these are new symptoms I haven’t had in ages
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