Botox Again

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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 02 Aug 2021, 21:33

Day 22 just ranting by myself here haha but feels good to have a dairy. Still paying for eating bad the other day but i have a good feeling tomorrow will be better. Getting sick of bms that are hard at the start. Don't thjnk ive ever had a bm thats soft from start to finish without the softeners.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 03 Aug 2021, 05:45

I just wanted to leave this link here for anyone in future thinking about fiber. It basically say how studies have never proven all the benefits of taking fiber an we don't need to add it to our diets if we have a healthy diet. It can be helpful for blood sugar levels an cholesterol if you live on a bad diet.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby SueMac » 09 Aug 2021, 05:24

how are you now missy? sorry ive been on holiday and not online.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 09 Aug 2021, 18:48

Hi suemac I'm doing ok still off the softeners. I've started taking magnesium again and my bms are perfect still a bit painful or uncomfortable at times but better then hard pebbles. Maybe I'm actually lacking magnesium i wonder if a magnesium efficiency can cause hard pebbles. How are you anyway?
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Re: Botox Again

Postby SueMac » 16 Aug 2021, 07:06

Hi, It's so difficult to know! It sounds like you are doing well? So are you going to take anything out of your diet at all? I use magnesium in the bath as salts and I have taken it at times. I was getting leg cramps a few months back so I took it for a while and the cramps went away so I was lacking then.
I'm not doing too badly - I'm having some pain after bms. BM are fine, soft, easy, so annoying I still get soreness.
I just read your fiber article - worrying that bit about the blocked drain!
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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 16 Aug 2021, 15:09

Hey suemac yes its frustrating isn't it. So I've gone vack to my normal diet bo resections an things are still the sane so maybe nothing in my diet is causing the pebbles. Its weird even though I've got soft bms there is still hard pebbles from start to finish just randomly here an there. I don't know how to fix this but its whats still causing bleeding an pain every bm everyday so i need to fix it somehow. The magnesium is softening most of the stool just not th pebbles. I wounder if i have diverticulitis an this stool is sitting in pockets along the intestine an bowel so its sitting hardening then coming away an out.

How are you apart from sore days? Pretty much healed and eating normally?
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Re: Botox Again

Postby SueMac » 17 Aug 2021, 05:32

yes it could be that it's hiding out until it's got hard then coming out! i really not sure to suggest to help that.
I'm ok I eat normally but try to eat lots of fruit and veg. I just get sore days which I'd like to leave behind.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 17 Aug 2021, 07:01

So do you not get any hard tips or pebbly stool? Its super frustrating. I'm not sure how to stop it from happening.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby Okaybum » 17 Aug 2021, 17:32

How often do you eat?

Also I just take stool softeners for life now. lol. No way I'm ever going back.

To avoid hard tips, I recommend eating 5 times a day. Drinking plenty of water. I would advise 1 coffee in the morning. Gluten free/dairy free may be worth a try. If you're getting hard bits, it may be an intolerance to a specific food. Increase fats like avocado or coconut.

Milk substitute
Oat milk

Warm prune juice prior to your BM can assist with softening hard tips. You can even stop the BM if it feels hard. Go drink a tall glass of prune juice. And it'll softening and push out the BM in your colon easier.

Food to poop isn't linear. Some food takes longer to pass, some food takes shorter. I reckon your hard tips may be a food intolerance that your body has. A naturopath may be able to help. Eating 5 times a day may assist in pushing things out.

Add ginger to your diet, either in a smoothie or pill form. My naturopath prescribed Digestex

That may help. Try cutting out dairy and gluten and see if that helps
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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 17 Aug 2021, 18:02

Hey okaybum i did the low fodmap diet for 4 wks but would still cheat from time to time in a tiny way no daily no gluten and i did notice an improvement but not complete fix. I'm going to try again but not full low fodmap just gluten free dairy free and I'll let you know. Interesting about the ginger. I read somewhere on here that the hard tips are older stool so if you go every morning once like i do then the hard tip is likely no dinner just gone but the dinner before so its much older an drier. Also it said to not eat after 8pm which im going to start. I eat 3 times a day plus maybe a snack or two since im breastfeeding i get hungry. I felt my sugar levels /energy was so much better on the low fodmap but i missed alot of foods.
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