Botox Again

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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 29 May 2019, 04:07

So you have some stinging during a BM some days and tightness feeling during bms some days? Is it only during bms? How do you feel during the day? And how much Botox did the put in? The first time I had Botox they gave me 60 units but today they gave me 100 units
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Re: Botox Again

Postby Pherianne » 29 May 2019, 05:59

missy moo wrote:So you have some stinging during a BM some days and tightness feeling during bms some days? Is it only during bms? How do you feel during the day? And how much Botox did the put in? The first time I had Botox they gave me 60 units but today they gave me 100 units

Hi Missy,

Did you get your Botox under general or awake ?

I hope you are having some relief and recovering well.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby Vicouscycle » 29 May 2019, 06:07

Missy, it usually happens during BM. Sometimes random stings during the day as well.
I read the notes, says 30 units in 3 and 9 o’clock. Don’t know if it means 30 units each or total.
Pherianne, I believe it’s not general, it’s a type of sedation. In this case, it’s a deep sedation so you won’t remember anything. It’s the same one they use for colonoscopy. I’m in Aus and Missy is in NZ, pretty sure it’s the same in NZ.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 29 May 2019, 06:13

Yep auz sounds the same as here you would of had 30 each side that's what I had with my first Botox so 60 total but today they did 50 each side. Pherianne thank you for your support but since I got back from the hospital the only time I'm pain free is when I'm laying still on my side and I was out cold during the procedure I could never do it awake! Vicouscycle I don't know if I've asked you before but are you male or female have you had any kids was your surgeon reserved when it came to lis? My surgeon said it's super last resort because for women when they go through menopause their muscle can become weaker so the don't like doing lis on woman unless they absolutely have to.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 29 May 2019, 15:17

Day 1
Woke up feeling 70% better no pain when moving positions or walking I'm just sitting on my patio having my morning coffee sitting! On a thin cushion with no pain or discomfort I am how ever worried about the first BM because even sitting on the toilet to wee hurts my bum but I'm so happy and grateful with the over night improvement.
Last edited by missy moo on 29 May 2019, 16:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby Vicouscycle » 29 May 2019, 15:42

Missy I’m a female and yes my surgeon does not like performing the surgery on women unless it’s absolutely needed or I request it. Glad you are doing okay.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 29 May 2019, 16:31

Thanks vicouscycle how old are you? Have you had and children? It's not fear guys can get it done straight away because their sphincter is longer and thicker I think my surgeon said.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby Vicouscycle » 29 May 2019, 16:37

I’m 29 and no kids. That’s what my surgeon said too. But she also said nowadays they perform a limited LIS as supposed to a full one to reduce the likelihood of incontinency later in life. Although she doesn’t like doing it on women, she will do it if I request it.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby missy moo » 29 May 2019, 17:45

How many does she do a year? my surgeon said about 2 people a year get lis in my small town (period) 2 people a year so that tells me that all 4 of the surgeon's in my town have bugger all experience with lis.
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Re: Botox Again

Postby Vicouscycle » 29 May 2019, 17:57

Don’t know how many LIS she does a year, haven’t asked that question yet. I know Botox is much more common. I live in a big city so I would say she does more than 2 per year prob.
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