Botox injection speed

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Botox injection speed

Postby asdfdoom » 23 Sep 2011, 00:41

Hi everyone,
I am new to the site. I have a question about botox injection speed into the rectum.
I had it done about 6 months ago and it was painful.
I had it done just recently, and the new doc injected it into two locations in the rectum. It was sooooo painful!!!
When he injected it, he pressed the plunger in as hard and fast as he could. He said speed and power were the best. I really feel like he may have damaged/tore the muscle where the botox went in. I though that you should inject slowly, so that muscle fibers don't tear and cause scarring.
I have been in pain since the two injections, a deep dull pain inside the rectum where the injection sites were.
Oh and he injected a 100 unit vial of Botox. The plunger on the needle was about half inch diameter and there was about 4-5 inches of fluid in it. 50% of that in each location as fast as possible.
Any insight into this would be appreciated.
thank you!!
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Re: Botox injection speed

Postby bigbabyboy » 23 Sep 2011, 18:42

I just had a second round of injections today. My CRS used the thinnest needle possible. She showed it to me. Wasn't big at all. When she injected it into my muscle, it pinched but she never jammed it in hard. I think that's a little extreme. Sorry you had to go through that. Also, I had a little streak of blood from the injection, but nothing that lasted and it wasn't much at all. It's been about 12 hours since my injections... a little tender, but I'm able to sit on my bottom and haven't had any pain meds. It will be achy for a few days, but really shouldn't be too too painful. Hope you feel better soon.
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Re: Botox injection speed

Postby bigbabyboy » 23 Sep 2011, 18:45

Oh, I actually have a question. Are you male or female? I think it may actually make a difference, because I was told by my CRS that men have a thicker muscle than women tend to, especially after childbirth. Maybe your CRS wanted to make sure the botox got right into the muscle. Just a thought...
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Re: Botox injection speed

Postby of all the places to hurt » 24 Sep 2011, 08:07

OMG!!! Sounds like your Doctor is a Butcher!!! How awful for you!! My heart goes out to you. I refused the botox point blank. If they don't work the first time after all that u go thanks Image
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Re: Botox injection speed

Postby Sadbum » 05 Feb 2018, 17:06

bigbabyboy wrote:I just had a second round of injections today. My CRS used the thinnest needle possible. She showed it to me. Wasn't big at all. When she injected it into my muscle, it pinched but she never jammed it in hard. I think that's a little extreme. Sorry you had to go through that. Also, I had a little streak of blood from the injection, but nothing that lasted and it wasn't much at all. It's been about 12 hours since my injections... a little tender, but I'm able to sit on my bottom and haven't had any pain meds. It will be achy for a few days, but really shouldn't be too too painful. Hope you feel better soon.

We’re you awake for this procedure??
Also- did you have any side effects?
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