Botox worth the money?

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Re: Botox worth the money?

Postby AnalFissureDude420 » 25 Apr 2019, 10:27

Ughghhhhhh sorry to complain needlessly but today is a really awful day for my fissure and I want to clock out of life but I can’t. I’m only halfway through my work day and I want to go home take a sitz bath and not move until this pain goes away. And of course this happens on the day I need to call and cancel my Botox appointment. Sorry internet...end of rant.
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Re: Botox worth the money?

Postby chachacha » 25 Apr 2019, 10:34

I'm sorry that you're having such a bad time today. Are you going to ask the CRS's office about success rates before you cancel? And about LIS instead? You can tell them that since the procedures are very expensive for you, you want to be sure that you'll get relief before paying up.
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Re: Botox worth the money?

Postby b-complex » 01 May 2019, 12:14

depends if you have healthcare . i had 2 but failed at the end to recover . both were over a 1000 $ but i only had to pay like 150 $. but its f*** great when you get it , you'll not feeling anything anymore no pain.
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