Bristol Stool Chart????

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Bristol Stool Chart????

Postby JaimeDeschain » 16 Mar 2022, 08:53

Can anybody help me with this, I am aming for a type 4 on the Beistol Stool Chart but seem to consistently end up with a type 5. I am not sure whether this is too much fibre, not enough fibre, too much magnesium, not enough magnesium or something else completely. I eat a fair amount of fruit, veg oats etc and take 3 200mg Magnesium Citrate tablets aftwer breakfast. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
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Re: Bristol Stool Chart????

Postby flatfish » 17 Mar 2022, 09:15

I am always 3 or 5 but never 4. It's so frustrating. I might start taking olive oil or up my magnesium.

Sorry it's not an answer, but wanted to send solidarity.
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