Can anyone remember what it is like to be “normal?

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Can anyone remember what it is like to be “normal?

Postby Deleted User 6698 » 05 Feb 2018, 11:03

Is there such a thing? When I really think back, even as far as childhood, I seem to have always been very aware of “going”. Later into adulthood, that’s when I became aware that I was having to think about “going” more than other people. Now, 2 fissurectomies, LIS, 2 rounds of botox, skin tags and hemerroids I hardly think of anything else!! Can anyone relate to this? Nature/nurture/heriditory/destiny????
Deleted User 6698

Re: Can anyone remember what it is like to be “normal?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 05 Feb 2018, 11:23

Heck yes I can, I Remember at a friends birthday party when I was 5ish I got a good telling off by my friends mum. I was in the bathroom for ages which was normal for me but she insisted I had been looking in her drawers because no one could possibly take that long to go to the toilet.
I now have crohns, IBS, hems and fissures so I don’t even know what normal is....thankfully I have a glimpse of what it could be like as my daughter goes once a day at pretty much the same time....yes I’m jealous lol.
I think a lot of it is nature/unlucky genetics as both my mum and dad had ‘dodgy’ bowels I probably was never going to be lucky in that department
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