Can someone please help identify this?

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Can someone please help identify this?

Postby Deleted User 7528 » 07 Dec 2018, 01:27

Hello I am new here and I was hoping someone could give me their opinion on if they think this is a fissure or not. I recently had some itching down there and lets just say I dug a little too hard one day until I heard a pop. The aching and sharp pains started a couple days later I think. I don't have much pain with bowel movements but the pain is constant and varies in severity. Also noticing there is some yellow discharge which I'm not sure is normal. Sorry the pictures aren't pretty but can someone please identify this for me? I've been worrying more and more about it.

Thank you for any help you can give!
Deleted User 7528

Re: Can someone please help identify this?

Postby bottice » 07 Dec 2018, 02:57

sharp pains? OK that might be a fissure then. I read that having an anal fissure could cause a skin tag to develop if left untreated and those skin tags can cause those sharp pains. The yellow discharge Im not sure about though
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