Hi Everyone,
I appreciate all the information on the forums and can definitely relate to everyone's frustrations, pain and success. I've had a chronic fissure off and on for years from a botched hemorrhoid excision. For the most part it has been manageable however earlier this year I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and one of the drugs I was treated with me constipated me so bad my fissure re-tore. Big.
Fast forward to some sort of infection that developed causing 10/10 pain when going to the bathroom, I would spend 5-6 hours a day dealing with fissure issues and pain. I finally convinced the doctors to help and a CRS at the cancer hospital removed the fissure (he called it ulcer) and said he didn't have to cut in too much.
Luckily the bulk of the pain is gone, however it has been 2+ months and the fissure will not stop bleeding. It bleeds at the very end of defecation when the sphincter closes up. It then stops bleeding fairly quickly. I've tried to relax my muscles and I'm using nifedepine but that last "pinch" is what causes it to bleed. I would like to try a water fast but my oncology team is recommending against it. My stool has been soft and easy to pass and it still hasn't quit bleeding.
I will be following up with my CRS however I would really appreciate any suggestions here. I've tried it all it seems, coconut oil, sits baths, etc. The worst part of cancer has been my fissure...It's crazy!