Caved and had LIS

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby TonyStone » 26 Sep 2011, 22:56

Thank Dawn, I am hopeful. My CSR talked about taking care of the hemmiroids at the same time, but I asked if we could put that off for later. He had no problem. After my BMs (which seem to take a lot of pushing and I am doing the fiber and softners) I will have a spasm for hours and hours (right now I am having one that started at Image and I feel like I noticed a pulse, then I start to worry that its a hemmy issue and not a spasm.. I think to much
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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby val » 27 Sep 2011, 01:32

Tony, it can only get better after LIS!! As Dawn says, many of us, me included, had other things done at the same time which made the procedure more sore. I had a tag removal with stitches and a fistulotomy at the same time as LIS. But it feels looser as soon as you wake up - the spasms will be gone.
You can handle the pain of the fissure - so you will certainly be able to handle the surgery.
If your BMs take a lot of pushing, could you up the stool softeners?
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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby TonyStone » 27 Sep 2011, 01:48

I have been taking the Kroger brand Colace for 2 or 3 weeks, I just started Mirilax Sunday and monday. Hopefully that will soften them up. Before my fissure flared up 3 weeks ago, I would often have to strain even with a lot of water and fiber, I am wondering if it has been my supertight O ring the whole time. I mean almost to the point of passing out sometimes. Fingers crossed the Mirilax helps, I am still up after a BM at 8pm monday night, I cant sleep with the 3 days and counting! Thanks Val. Damn our culture and lack of squat toilets....
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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby val » 27 Sep 2011, 02:05

Miralax is very good once it gets working! Colace is rubbish! And lots of fibre can sometimes just make for huge BMs which will really hurt!
Hope the miralax works for you!
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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby Tim » 27 Sep 2011, 07:15

Thanks guys and gals. I've tried the Magnesium supplements and most that we can obtain are junk. I read that "Slow-mag" is one of the best as it is sustained released. I do agree that I was probably deficient in that but when I thought it was trying to help, it was just really causing me to be a little loose with the BM's. So, it settled the fissure pain but was just a self-hoax really. You want well-formed BM's during recovery to ensure the muscle heals somewhat stretched. With the 2 tsp's of Konsyl a day plus one dose of miralax in the afternoon, they've been of good size and soft. It's really weird going to the bathroom now...I never really had the urge right when I awoke and would always require a jog on the treadmill to stimulate a movement. With the high fiber diet and supplements, I get up and bam, gotta go. Kind of a nice thing but when I go it's one push and that's it, she's out, lol. I don't even feel it pass I'm guessing that's the LIS helping keep things less tight.
I get some odd sensations down there at times. I think because I had the anoplasty (stitches in the fussure) I feel it pull from time to time. Anyone else have this? The discharge is not bad and is a brownish/red seems like old blood and I just hope that stops soon. I have no blood with BM's though so I think it's just surgery site bleeding. My fissure was never a huge bleeder but merely a few drops on the stool and paper when cleaning up. That tells me I had poor blood flow to the region...another reason for LIS. I'm trying to remain idle but it's very hard for me. I can work from home and plan to for this week and next.
Keep the faith Tony! Get the LIS done and move on. It will be a bumpy road at times but you need to stay positive. I'm a firm believer in mind over matter and this is really a time when you need to entrust in that. Depression and anxiety don't aid in healing and tend to shut the body down. Easier said than done, trust me as I'm depressed as heck. It's 80 and sunny out and I'm just watching the leaves fall and the motorcycles drive by. I'm in Massachussetts and the winter will be here soon spring/summer/fall is really shot. :-( That coupled with myself turning 30, having a double wedding shower, my fiance's shower and now the wedding....all in pain and while depressed. God truly works in weird ways and I hope this is a test and I can, hopefully once healed, still think back and recall this and stop to smell the roses more often. None of us will ever forget a fissure, now how. My aunt had one 30 years ago and when I told her about mine...she gave me the "face". She knew I wouldn't heal on my own but shied me from the surgery as it's always a last resort. But for more (ehh...90%) it's the way to go.
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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby Tim » 27 Sep 2011, 07:31

Tony...when I state "lockdown" I mean that I was as tight as tight can be. Seriously, like farting through a coffee stirrer. I had the painful spasms in the beginning but with each flare-up it would just tigthen and no matter how many baths or diltiazem I took, nothing worked. I walked around feeling like a wrench was clenched on but butt hole. LIS was the only route for me to loosen things up and hopefully heal.
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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby TonyStone » 27 Sep 2011, 22:10

Yeah, that's exactly how I feel. When this first happened in 2005 i talked myself out of surgery. But this time I decided I can live like this anymore. I have been only to work and home since aug 29th. The pain seems worse as do the spasms, maybe cause I am older. I can barely drive I am squiming in the seat so much. Don't remember having that pain the last time. Well 2.5 days til go time.
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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby Tim » 28 Sep 2011, 07:15

You'll be happy when you have it done man. I remember the rides to work....spasm to burn/sting to spasm again....god awful and my commute was only 20 minutes! Then I would sit and squirm all day long.
I'm 5 days post-op now and BM's are not painful and good in size. I highly recommend the Konsyl bulk former and Miralax. The Konsyl has the highest amount of fiber per scoop and has been around for 45 years. It's like drinking sawdust, I won't lie but I don't care either. Seems to work great for me and within 20 minutes of getting up, so far, it's a BM urge and I go in one push. Much different than before. I take one teaspon of Konsyl an hour or so post-breakfast(allow vitamin absorption), a miralax dose at 3:30pm and then my other teaspoon of Konsyl at 7:30pm. That coupled with lots of water and a soft food diet (no chips, foods etc.) is helping me, I think. I still have this "pull" feeling if I move wrong and I'm curious if that's the stitches or the new cut. Also, there is pressure but I'm chalking that up to swelling, anyone have a take on that? I know I've asked before but this forum is great for some reassurance so that's what I'm looking for..sorry. I "appear" OK down there and my butt actually looks normal again (HORRAY). Not some pruned-out mess like before from the lovely vaseline/diltiazem/anal fissure oil/prep-H/Hydrocortisone ointment combo I had going. I haven't used the diltiazem but put some on last night on the outside just for good measure while sleeping. The goal is relaxed as can be to increase blood flow so I'm doing it. Standing for too long is what is causing that pressure and it usually comes on after sitting in the sitz bath. I'm curious if my toilet is too low but I need to ensure I squat just right to keep my butthole in the water! Anyhow, I seem to be doing ok and I don't think I'm spasming anymore so that is good. I just wish I knew the difference between somewhat tight and this pressure I'm getting. I'll update as the days/weeks go by.
Thanks again,
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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby Tim » 30 Sep 2011, 09:46

Hey guys, just wanted to check-in and say I'm one week post-op exactly and feeling pretty good. I still get this odd pressure sensation when sitting or standing for any length of time. I also have some dull pain that shoots into my buttocks and back...just a tad when I move around a bit. Is that normal one week out? I also still feel the pull of the stitches and surgery site. Any insight into this? Also, whenever I have the urge to pee this intensifies 10x. Amazing how all of that is least for us guys.
BM's having been bad and well formed but this morning hurt a bit. More so, I think the incision site vs. fissure pain. Anyhow, I know I'm impatient...I just want this over with and I hope I'm on the mend. The wedding is two weeks away Image . I've got my bachelor party tomorrow and I should be looking forward to it but now I'm dreading it. I hope I don't let the guys down. I'm going to take it easy on food and drinks....MAYBE 3 beers with lots of water and I'll have my "cocktail" (Miralax/Konsyl) out in the truck to down after dinner.
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Re: Caved and had LIS

Postby TonyStone » 30 Sep 2011, 15:41

I really hope you have a great wedding and honey moon, you deserve it after dealing with this pain. (my wife said, the Dr. told her not to have sex for a month because he didnt want it to spasm, if she hadnt started laughing I would have believed her.
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