chronic anal fissure and stenosis

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chronic anal fissure and stenosis

Postby fissureman-toronto » 12 Dec 2018, 10:50

hello, new to here.
I had chronic anal fissure and was using Nitrogen
ointment as well as other antibiotics. it comes and goes for years.
I find most of time , it always happened when I had "hard/bulk" stool. the reason I quote the hard/bulk because I don't think they are hard,it just because my anal is narrow - stenosis. so I want to ask several questions:
1. to treat stenosis, does BOTOX work?
2. if I really needs surgery, does anyone have a good specialist in my area?
3.did anyone try to use a anal dilator to enlarge the anal to pass through when doing AM movement? and where to buy?
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Re: chronic anal fissure and stenosis

Postby Canadabum » 13 Dec 2018, 18:04

Sorry to hear you are dealing with these chronic and not fun issues -- I would recommend you consult a it happens I am in T.O. -- and would highly recommend Dr. Bernick at East General (i think it is called michael garron hospital now). Get yourself checked out by an expert and he will help you navigate next steps. Good luck

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Re: chronic anal fissure and stenosis

Postby js50z » 25 Mar 2019, 12:48

How were you diagnosed with stenosis?
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