coconut oil is working wonders for me

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coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby littlemax » 28 Mar 2015, 23:18

Hi..guys ..i was suffering from chronic anal fissure since five years..pain used to come and go..and since last 3 months i had reallly bad of my friend told me to use cocnut oil..i made suppositaries from coconut oil in fridge and used them after B.m. and 2-3 times a fissure healed withi a week..i am so happy with this simple i am making practise to apply some oil after each Bm and after bath to anal area no more pain...
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby hurtinend » 29 Mar 2015, 14:54

That is great news

Can you please share with us the process you use to make the oil into suppositories
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby littlemax » 30 Mar 2015, 06:03 is simple you just put coconut oil in a bowl and keep it in a fridge..then when you are going to use it remove it and cut it like small elongated piece and insert it in anal area..
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby vanessa100 » 30 Mar 2015, 11:37

I have bought some coconut oil to try. I am praying that it works for me too.
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby littlemax » 30 Mar 2015, 22:23

It will definitly coconut have natural healing properties..apply it after every BM and before sleeping and use Lox jelly before BM so to not to aggravate fiasure..all the best
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby vanessa100 » 03 Apr 2015, 03:18

I have been using the coconut oil for 3 days now and what an improvement! Today I had no pain during BM! First time in 2 months. I have had a chronic AF for 14 years but recently the pain wouldn't go. I tried every cream you can think of but coconut oil works wonders! I keep putting it up 3 - 5 times a day. Hopefully it will continue to help. I feel so much happier now, thanks for posting about this, huge help!
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby littlemax » 03 Apr 2015, 06:41

Good to hear about your is really a wonderful medicine..please spread about it to all and wish recovery to everybody out there suffering from AF
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby Turk the cat » 06 Apr 2015, 05:22

So happy you posted this terrific tip, littlemax. My fissure is under control, but I get the dreaded hard tipped poops sometimes and have been thinking about using a natural suppository to loosen things up on those days I suspect trouble. My CRS recently put the fear of God into me about how utterly important it is that ALL my bm's be soft, so I haven't had as many hard bm's but I'm going to try this and keep some suppositories in the fridge for those days I suspect I need help. I imagine it's healthier then plain glycerine.
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby Sufferingbadly » 11 Apr 2015, 22:28

I have coconut oil at home (I've been out of town since getting this fissure) my CRS gave me nifedipine and lidocaine but it doesn't help much. I have a very painful sentinel pile and before I have a bowel movement I use an enema which I'm not sure if it's bad to do, (basically just squirting warm water in my bum before having the courage to push out the BM) ...I also can only poop or pass gas pain free if my anus is submerged in a bucket of warm/hot water. my bowel movements hurt so bad I basically lay down for the rest of the day. :( ... And I'm a new mother (well I have two kids now.. A 2yr old and my newborn just turned one month old) and I just recovered from my csection so to now have this pain, I am utterly depressed. Sorry getting off track.. Anyway what kid of coconut oil do u use? Mine is an organic kind. So I just put it in a bowl stick it in the fridge and cut supositorie size amounts and stick it in my bum maybe 3-4 times a day? After a bowel movement, I don't see myself able to insert anything cos the pain is so bad. Thanks for posting this. It give me a lot of hope! I've had this chronic fissure for I think about 5 weeks, going on 6weeks. (And I have a super painful lump on my anus so hard why I say it's chronic) please reply! Thank you!!
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby littlemax » 11 Apr 2015, 23:41

Hi..any coconut oil will long as it is pure ..I mean edible..just make it freeze and cut small elongated pieces and first apply little oil around outside of anal area.massage a little bit ant try to insert oily finger. And then try to insert frozen pieces as far as you can the oil is cold it will give you some relief also. Initially it will pain but you will feel better soon.use it after every B.M and in between 2 to 3 times a day ..and before B.m lubricate your anus with lox as to not to hurt your fissure.i also had tag but it will also shrink as your fissure heals.wish speedy recovery to you..and keep us posted about your progress
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