I have coconut oil at home (I've been out of town since getting this fissure) my CRS gave me nifedipine and lidocaine but it doesn't help much. I have a very painful sentinel pile and before I have a bowel movement I use an enema which I'm not sure if it's bad to do, (basically just squirting warm water in my bum before having the courage to push out the BM) ...I also can only poop or pass gas pain free if my anus is submerged in a bucket of warm/hot water. my bowel movements hurt so bad I basically lay down for the rest of the day.
... And I'm a new mother (well I have two kids now.. A 2yr old and my newborn just turned one month old) and I just recovered from my csection so to now have this pain, I am utterly depressed. Sorry getting off track.. Anyway what kid of coconut oil do u use? Mine is an organic kind. So I just put it in a bowl stick it in the fridge and cut supositorie size amounts and stick it in my bum maybe 3-4 times a day? After a bowel movement, I don't see myself able to insert anything cos the pain is so bad. Thanks for posting this. It give me a lot of hope! I've had this chronic fissure for I think about 5 weeks, going on 6weeks. (And I have a super painful lump on my anus so hard why I say it's chronic) please reply! Thank you!!