I am scheduled for LIS in two weeks. They will give me two enemas at the hospital before the procedure. I have some questions about this and will be calling the office to ask them. I would have asked when I was in the office but there was a miscommunication. I didn't realize there would be a bowel prep until I was talking to the scheduling person.
I am very worried about someone else jamming the plastic tip of the enema bottle into my fissure. I have had botox before so I can handle some pain. But I don't want a person I have never meet before going anywhere near the fissure. I insert nifedipine twice a day. I can always get it in but sometimes the opening is a little tricky to find with all the tags and I have to gently poke a little. I would feel a lot better if I could do this at home, by myself. I am going to ask about that and also ask if I could just a colonoscopy prep instead. I've done that before so I feel comfortable with it.
What are your experiences with prep before LIS? Was it hard to insert the enema tip? Did they let you do it at home? Is it better just to do the colonoscopy prep at home?