Concerned about enema before LIS

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Concerned about enema before LIS

Postby Still hoping » 06 Nov 2014, 08:35

I am scheduled for LIS in two weeks. They will give me two enemas at the hospital before the procedure. I have some questions about this and will be calling the office to ask them. I would have asked when I was in the office but there was a miscommunication. I didn't realize there would be a bowel prep until I was talking to the scheduling person.

I am very worried about someone else jamming the plastic tip of the enema bottle into my fissure. I have had botox before so I can handle some pain. But I don't want a person I have never meet before going anywhere near the fissure. I insert nifedipine twice a day. I can always get it in but sometimes the opening is a little tricky to find with all the tags and I have to gently poke a little. I would feel a lot better if I could do this at home, by myself. I am going to ask about that and also ask if I could just a colonoscopy prep instead. I've done that before so I feel comfortable with it.

What are your experiences with prep before LIS? Was it hard to insert the enema tip? Did they let you do it at home? Is it better just to do the colonoscopy prep at home?

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Re: Concerned about enema before LIS

Postby Still hoping » 06 Nov 2014, 13:34

I called the nurse practitioner today and she spoke with the doctor. He said it is ok for me to do the enema prep at home the morning of the surgery. I feel so relieved. I am going to get the enema soon and just practice inserting the tip once to be sure I can do it without injuring myself. I guess I will just use a lot of Vaseline and take it slow.
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Re: Concerned about enema before LIS

Postby Still hoping » 10 Nov 2014, 22:34

I practiced inserting the enema tip tonight. It did not go well, despite lots of Vaseline. The tip is very flexible but the muscle is pretty tense. I don't see a way of inserting this without causing pain. Any suggestions? This is really stressing me out!
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Re: Concerned about enema before LIS

Postby msimon » 10 Nov 2014, 23:51

Hi still hoping. I am sorry to hear this. I don't have any advice for you, in fact I have the same problem. I was constipated a while back and couldn't even insert the tip of the enema bulb. Guess that shows we must need LIS :(

Is there any way they can give you a different prep? Maybe a colonoscopy prep would be better (clean you out from the other end)? I don't know if there is a prep involved for mine. I tried to find out but got no answers. I will try harder as this is stressing me out! Nevermind getting the tip in, I don't think I would get the liquid out!
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Re: Concerned about enema before LIS

Postby Still hoping » 11 Nov 2014, 08:16

Thanks msimon for the encouragement. I'm sorry you're having the same issue. I guess we really do need LIS. Are you thinking of calling your doctor's office and asking if there's any prep? They really should tell a person about this ahead of time.

This morning I had bleeding with my bowel movement. I haven't had bleeding since the first day of this fissure, about 10 days ago. I was very annoyed. I must have aggravated the fissure by trying to insert the enema tip. I was very gentle so I was surprised with the bleeding. This is my third fissure and I'm lucky that it is a mild one.

I'm planning to call the doctor's office today and ask about a colonoscopy prep instead. I don't want to seem like an annoying patient but I don't want to worry about this enema for the next week or so.
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Re: Concerned about enema before LIS

Postby msimon » 11 Nov 2014, 18:13

I did call my Doctor's office and they did not know the answer! I asked the nurses at the hospital and they also did not know the answer! This is stressing me out too. My issue is more if I get a bunch or water up there I might not get it out (I am so tight and spastic). I remember asking my Doctor a while back and I thought he said there was no prep. I hope that meant both at home and at the hospital...Im just not sure having read that so many on here have done a prep and the other Doctor I did a consult with said that he did. Arg.

Did you get any more information today?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
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Re: Concerned about enema before LIS

Postby Still hoping » 11 Nov 2014, 20:18

My husband talked to the doctor's office for me today since I couldn't take the call at work. They said it would be fine to do a colonoscopy prep. They were just concerned that it would bother my fissure. They also said that if I decided to try the enema and it was too painful that they would do the surgery anyway, without it. I think I'm going to do the colonoscopy prep. It will probably cause the fissure to be cranky but it seems better than the enema tip insertion. I don't think the colonoscopy prep is going to be good for my vulva burning problem but hopefully any flare will calm down later.

Msimon, maybe there isn't any bowel prep in your case? I did read on some post on here that someone had LIS without any bowel prep. So they can do it that way. I can understand your concern that they don't know the answer to your question. I would think they would be able to find someone who could tell you what the procedure is going to be. It's really frustrating dealing with all of this. Last night I did some relaxation exercises to help with the stress.
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