Considering (lis) lets chat

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Suffering2long » 10 Oct 2021, 05:20

Missy, drs just say incontinence is the reason for trying everything else first. I feel like I went through months of healing to be setback and did I waste my time?
Conifer, may I ask your age? Sorry if you’ve already said. I know the feeling well (crying after BM, burning and pain).
At least you can rest knowing something is getting done soon.
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Conifer » 10 Oct 2021, 05:28

Certainly. Here is my condensed history - I’m 37 based in UK. No children (yet) but as you know been a hard year trying. Worried we’ve left things too late but that’s a whole other issue likely for a different forum! Think I’ve had fissure on and off for about 15 years - every few years have a tear and never joined the dots as always healed. This episode started in January after MC (on New Year’s Day can you believe- what an omen for an awful year), healed with GTN, another MC and retear in late May and been getting worse and worse ever since. Have really large sentinel pile that doc wants to remove as it’s aggravating fissure and really is tense spasms that now last all damn day. But you’re right about having an end in sight. 4 weeks and counting
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby missy moo » 10 Oct 2021, 05:46

Oh yeah I've been on here way to long. It actually makes me sad to think about my first few posts because i was crying while writing most of them while holding my then 3month old and he just turned 8 years old so its really messed with my whole parenting journey. It has taken my attention off both of my first two children while they were growing up. I'll get lis if i have too the fear has reduced over the years i must say.

Conifer I'm so sorry that you've had a difficult time i couldn't imagine how hard that would of been. Getting your fissure sorted and out of the way really is the best thing.

Are you guys in lockdown? Or is it just Australia and New Zealand
Last edited by missy moo on 10 Oct 2021, 06:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Suffering2long » 10 Oct 2021, 05:50

I don’t think you’ve left it too late. I know people that are in their 30’s that have little babies. I’m in a different circumstance as my children are teenagers but I tried to conceive for 20 months with my first. I was young but it can take time. Sorry to hear about your MC. Reading your history makes me wonder if stress contributes to fissuring. My latest trouble happened when I was stressed. I know a lot of people here have anxiety so it makes sense.
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Conifer » 10 Oct 2021, 05:58

I couldn’t imagine coping with this and having dependents. It’s bad enough worrying that I’m letting husband down who is a fully functioning adult. We got married at the end of last year so I actually really feel for him that this is how the first year of marriage has gone. I have huge guilt that it’s my fault (I know it’s not but it’s hard). And you are right about stress - I really think that’s why this happened in Jan. And even now when I have a spasm attack I start getting upset and tensing and it makes it worse. A friend told me I need to use mind over matter and help heal from positive thoughts. I wanted to hit them as whilst there is an element of truth in that, you can’t will and involuntary muscle to relax!!
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Conifer » 11 Oct 2021, 06:57

Missy - below is a part of the letter my CRS sent me today from my appointment on Friday. It talks about incontinence and thought might be of interest. His numbers are quite high though he did say his are very low and he included instances of slight seepage that occurs in the few weeks after due to the loosening of muscle. He was really honest with me and said that it would be unreasonable of him to say to me there is no risk when there is but that its not a reason to not do the surgery - which I appreciate. He also made the point that problems tend to occur in people with medical histories like crohns etc.

"The success rate of lateral internal sphincterotomy however must be balanced against the risk of some degree of
impairment in faecal continence. We had a detailed conversation about studies which have looked at this and I think in many ways that the figures of 10-15% are perhaps over quoting the risk in part because many were from a mixed group of patients which will have included patients with normal or low-pressure fissures. In addition, some years ago we used to perform a much more significant sphincterotomy whereas now we perform a more limited division of the sphincter muscles."
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby missy moo » 11 Oct 2021, 14:04

Thanks. I still think 15% risk is fine it means we have a 85% chance of success those odds are really really good.
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby missy moo » 16 Oct 2021, 13:37

Back with a flear up today and caused by slow fudgy bm not hard bm. Does anyone else flear up from different bms not only hard bms?
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby missy moo » 16 Oct 2021, 13:39

Also flear ups appear to be every 3wks ish
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Conifer » 16 Oct 2021, 17:30

I’m really sorry to hear you are having a flare up Missy. Linked to your cycle maybe given the timing of things?

I don’t have flare ups as I get pain every day sometimes all day - like today where I had bm at 8:30am and still in spasms 15hrs later. Can’t get comfortable to sleep because of it. But this is all due to soft bms. I am eating very little and all the right things plus laxido and loads of water. I have the melted ice cream consistency and whilst it doesn’t hurt during, as soon as I’m done I have intense burning turning into cramping, knife-slicing pain. Laid off laxido this week to experiment and same when bm was firmer. So yes, soft bms still tear right through me. I’m now at the point I’m scared to eat, hungry all day, no energy and noticed this evening my ribs are beginning to show a bit. Horrendous. 3 weeks until this nightmare is hopefully over.
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