Considering (lis) lets chat

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby missy moo » 18 Oct 2021, 01:29

Try get your bms a bit more compact not hard but formed if you know what i mean. O find liquid bm more stressful on the muscle
missy moo
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Conifer » 24 Oct 2021, 05:06

Hi ladies I thought I’d check in and see how you were doing. I got my dates mixed up so I’m in to hospital 3 weeks today and not 2 weeks like I thought. When I realised that it was such a blow to my morale!

Also just finished my period and what a horrendous week it’s been. Do you get this too? I see it a lot on the forum but woah such awful awful pain. Tears every day, spasms until night just awful. I’m still sore today but at a much less intense level.

And Missy I had a more formed stool today and it’s sore but not the same stinging and burning as I usually get so you might be on to something there. It’s either that or the period situation (though probably a combo of both). Anyway hope you are both doing ok!
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby missy moo » 24 Oct 2021, 15:54

I believe we get bad during periods because low estrogen which effects the skin and maybe during that time we're more tense not sure but another is changing bms before during and after periods mite have something to do with it
missy moo
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Suffering2long » 25 Oct 2021, 22:32

I just saw this as I haven’t been receiving notifications lately.
Oh damn, 3 more weeks! At least you’ll be healing (if not fully healed) by Christmas time.
I find that periods make fissures worse! 100%. I dread mine, 8 more days until period according to my app. :groan:
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Conifer » 26 Oct 2021, 08:52

Oh god I hope so! Lying in the bath just now as I write this after an afternoon bm that was really out of pattern for me. HORRENDOUS spasms that pain killers not touching and bath barely helping with. I’m on the edge with this, can’t take much more pain. 8/10 pretty much all day every day. 18 more days!!
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Conifer » 13 Nov 2021, 03:43

Hi ladies. Hope you’re both doing well. The past few weeks have been very difficult this side however tomorrow is LIS day! I’m obviously a bit anxious about everything that surgery entails however I’m so ready for this after 6 months of daily pain that for the past 2 months have meant I spent most my days in bed. I fully expect to be very sore for the next few days but hoping it will be a different kind of pain and that the spasms that floor me will be gone. anyway will update once I’m on the other side.

I really hope you are both doing ok and feeling comfortable and pain free!
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Suffering2long » 15 Nov 2021, 06:02

Yay! I’m so happy you’re on the other side now! I hope you’re feeling ok and please update in a few days when you’ve had some more recovery time. Please tell us everything, pain level, first BM, bleeding?
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Conifer2 » 15 Nov 2021, 08:38

Thank you! So far so good but it’s still only day 1 and no bm yet. I got locked out of my other account though - I can sign in but if just goes to a blank page and I can’t access anything :( have started this new account and tried to post about my journey so far but waiting on approval so updates are coming. But so far minimal pain, quite a bit of bleeding and no bm - expect that will be tomorrow. No fissure pain just now and minor twinges so about a 1-1.5/10 and feeling very comfortable. Taking it very easy though!
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby Amychristine » 20 Nov 2021, 21:37

Hey missy! I finally had my LIS this past Monday. I was so tired of suffering for almost 10 years so finally bit the bullet and did it. So far so good, no incontinence thank god! When I woke up from anesthesia I totally tried to flex down there and make sure it was still working lol! I can honestly say the of the worst part for me was doing the enemas right before surgery. I’ve done them before but these fleet ones from the store irritated my fissure so that was a bit uncomfortable. The surgery itself was so quick and I didn’t feel much pain afterwards I think partially because of freezing. I was in the hospital all of about 5 hours in total because she was running early. We had a two hour drive home and I wasn’t uncomfortable at all. The next day I did feel a little more pain and it’s been a little uncomfortable to sit on my bum for long periods so I either lay on my side or stand up and keep busy. The gauze they put on me after the hospital actually got stuck probably from dried blood and I didn’t wanna rip it off so I took a bath and the sucker came right off lol! My first bowel movement hurt for sure but I think because I should have taken a better laxative and not just magnesium citrate before bed. My surgery was later in the day so I did have some white bread early in the morning because the nurse said I could but I regret doing that. Unfortunately that was my choice for food at the hotel and it caused me to strain and get an external hemmoroid the next day so that’s been a little painful this week. The next day I took restore lax and a bit of olive oil with prune juice and I hardly felt a thing going to the washroom. I have had some small bleeding but it’s minimal and less each day. The dr said this is normal for 1-2 weeks after the surgery. I’ve just been wearing a pad and I haven’t leaked or anything so it’s very minimal blood. This surgery was not bad at all to be honest and for me totally tolerable. I have had 3 c sections so compared to that this was much better! So I’m really hoping it works. She mentioned that I was really tight down there so that’s likely why my fissure wouldn’t heal. I also learned my fissure was anterior when I thought it was posterior. I asked her to remove the tag that came along with the fissure and the older hemorrhoid tag I had as well and she just cauterized them for me. So overall my advice would be to really research and find a good colorectal surgeon. I had to travel two hours away from where I live to find a specialist that was confident in doing this for me. She did inform me of the risks but I felt I was in good hands with her. She has a lot of experience and has really great reviews online. She said if you have good tone down there you likely won’t have incontinence. That pretty much helped me make up my mind as that was my main concern with this surgery.
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Re: Considering (lis) lets chat

Postby missy moo » 26 May 2023, 17:38

Thought I should come back and update anyone who reads this. I would consider myself 90% healed now not from a cream, surgery or anything outside of me. I worked on myself mostly self-love I learnt to appreciate my body and see no parts as unclean or gross. I learnt to be appreciative of my bum I even thanked it for the first time in my life I started to see it as apart of me I connected with it. If this sounds strange to you that's a sign that you also need to do this haha. It could be what works for you. There's a few things that I believe got me to were I am now.

1. I stopped looking for help outside of myself
2. I stopped seeing others as bigger then me, in terms of giving power to everyone else and seeing myself as being in need of other to save me.
3. I loved myself for the first time inside and out
4. I talked kindly to myself and my body
5. I looked into other people who healed themselves.
6. I started to have gratitude for myself my body an things in my life.
7. I looked after myself, by doing things I loved, taking time out, moving my body, and eating for fuel and healing as well as having little happy treats sometimes.

8. Meditation or just sitting with myself in silence being present.

9. I read a book by Louise Hay called you can heal your life and more recently I've been following and reading books by the medical medium.

I hope everyone finds healing from within as this is the key even if you get surgery still work on yourself to create internal harmony. I decided to write this because I've had alot if people reach out to me over the years and I wanted to give back. For 8 years I had a fissure I got botox twice, heaps of creams, fiber, cut things out of my diet, cried, begged, gave up emotionally a few times, I felt punished and thought my body was broken an didn't work properly why me I asked why is my life like this.

Well I've found its alot to do with our mindset, gratitude, self love, how we feel about ourselves and what we say and think about ourselves and our lives that plays the biggest part in how our bodies do and how our lives play out in general.

Please feel free to reach out. I really hope someone hears this and can heal once and for all. Take care of yourselves. Love to all
missy moo
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