I had LIS with skin tag removal more than 6 weeks ago. I had suffered almost 10 months before I made the decision to get the surgery. Like many of you here, I went through the same frustrating routine of making dietary changes, using fiber an laxatives, nitroglycerin ointments etc. but nothing even made a dent in the pain I had.
My experience after the surgery has been pretty dismal because a) I never really had any relief from the pain in these 6 weeks and b) the fissure re tore about two days ago with bleeding for the first time.
At the 4 weeks post op follow up, the surgeon said that the fissure had healed and what was hurting me was the skin tag removal site. But after the bleeding episode, he has now confirmed that its indeed the fissure and that I will need a second LIS to fix this. He also thinks that the nitro might be helpful but I'm sure that it will do nothing for me because things are still pretty tight down there.
When I met my surgeon before my surgery, he told be clearly that his success rate is about 90% and he cuts very conservatively through the sphincter. Since he was honest, I cannot really complain that he didn't give me a clear picture and can only curse my bad luck to have landed in the 10% of the minority that doesn't heal.
My concern now is that how long should I wait to be able to say reasonably that the surgery hasnt worked? I feel very uncomfortable jumping into the second surgery because of my experience with the first one. Basically, I have surrendered to the fact that nothing will cure me and I will continue being in misery.
Any insights would be helpful and first hand experiences from anyone who has had 2 LIS surgeries would be very much appreciated. Thanks!