CRS wants to do LIS with no fissure present

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CRS wants to do LIS with no fissure present

Postby Turk the cat » 04 Nov 2014, 21:06

Apologies in advance, I get it most of you/us are here because of fissures but here goes:

My CRS wants to do a hemorrhoidectomy, which would include getting rid of my many internal hem's which often protrude along with LIS. However, I haven't had a fissure in ages.

I haven't seen my CRS in almost a year, and have been on the waiting list for this for 7 months. Yes, this could only mean I'm Canadian. I'll be meeting him for a pre surgery consult this Friday, with a date for surgery in early Dec.

I had a chance mid-2013 to have the operation, but chickened out being both afraid and wanting to try to heal naturally. I tend to heal, and be feeling quite good (talking about the hem's) but then they will get thrombosed causing lots of pain, and a certain degree of depression. I find these episodes, and healing time in between, take less time then going back a year. I've been in this situation for 2.5 years. My pain comes and goes, but I just feel like I'm in limbo.

I vaguely recall the CRS's reasoning on why he would do LIS without symptoms of a fissure, but can't quite remember. I think b/c I am tight, and have a life-long problem with constipation. He also said that if I have a hemorrhoidectomy I will likely get a fissure.

I often have a tremendous amount of internal anal pain, which I've thought may be caused by scar tissue. Just a week ago I went for my first Pelvic exam, to rule out this being part of the problem. I'm really glad I went for this, I was examined by not one but two practitioners (one being between clients) both vaginally and rectal. My resting rate was deemed good 4 to 5 I believe they said. They also said there was no sign of external fissure. I have a sinking feeling a lot of this internal pain is brought from my nervous body and not so much "real" pain. But pain is pain right. So that's a whole other can of worms.

I'm looking forward to seeing the CRS, having him take another look and see where I stand.
Sorry for the ramble, "Turk the Cat"
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Re: CRS wants to do LIS with no fissure present

Postby Savaici » 05 Nov 2014, 14:05

Just my thoughts. Hemorrhoid surgery is very painful. I have had three. However, after the surgery, I was free of it all for about 20 years until I had surgery for a thrombosed one which was necessary as it was the size of a golf ball. Then free of it all for another ten years, until THE FISSURE.

I would try a search on here for others who had a LIS (with a fissure there, of course) and a hemorrhoidectomy at the same time. Use the search function centre top, as that is much the best. Sounds to me - personal opinion - to be a lot at one time.

Sorry cannot help you much more than that and hope others might chime in.
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Re: CRS wants to do LIS with no fissure present

Postby Turk the cat » 18 Nov 2014, 14:55

An update. I saw my CRS a few weeks ago. Great meeting, good exam, he plans to do a "partial sphincterotomy" (difference between LIS and partial sphincterotomy something I'm going to study today for sure) and going to take care of internal hemorrhoids.

I was wrong, I DO have a fissure, the same terrible one I've had all along, since mid Dec 2012 which comes and goes. I thought it had healed, and the "cleaving pain" I often get where the fissure had been was the result of the hemorrhoids or something else.

I guess the CRS thought I knew it was active because of the pain, etc, but I thought it was scarring or who knows what or pain from the hemorrhoids.


CRS said:

1. the fissure is causing that “cleaving” sensation which you are having. That is reason for doing the partial sphincterotomy.


The main reason I thought it wasn't the fissure is because I never have pain upon BM, just the sort of all round pain with flareups of what I assumed came from my internal hemorrhoids (which are equally annoying/painful for sure, and being dealt with.) Even the person at the Pelvic Floor place who examined me said I couldn't have a fissure without pain upon bowel movement. So what the heck?

Obviously, if this is the case I know in Feb this year I must have had a big flareup of the fissure, by March I was back on the waiting list for surgery and now so very glad my date is in a few weeks. I do know I have been in a world of pain (on and off) for a couple of years. Very lethargic, and sometimes full of pretty dark thoughts. I used to be so active, I miss the old me.

Anyhow, onwards and upwards, a bit of a shocker to now realize the fissure is indeed alive and active <grrrrr> but so very happy to be proceeding with getting things fixed.

The CRS is one of the best around, and I live in a major Canadian city. He will do the work needed. I would be unbelievably freaked out if I didn't trust this fellow. I'm doing my best to keep calm, and watching my diet like a hawk, do not want to get constipated in the least at this important time.

I hope to have good news to report in the future. Thanks for listening!

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Re: CRS wants to do LIS with no fissure present

Postby Scientist2516 » 18 Nov 2014, 15:19

Hi Turk, sorry to hear it is your fissure, alive and biting.......that's just too bad.
But glad to hear you are in good hands. There's plenty here who wish they had that kind of faith in their CRS.
Good luck with the surgery, and keep us informed!
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
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Topical estrogen for final healing.
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Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
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