Day 7 Post LIS Surgery EUREKA!

Day 7 Post LIS Surgery EUREKA!

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Day 7 Post LIS Surgery EUREKA!

Postby Hatetopoop » 17 Jan 2014, 10:37

Hi, I think I have to cut back on the fiber and stool softeners now. Now that I am eating sooo much healthy fiber I think I can cut back a bit. I went FOUR times yesterday. Good news: it did NOT hurt one bit. My BMs are sliding right out! Whohoooo!!

The EUREKA comment is because I finally figured out what is causing me the after BM soreness and pain. I took a mirror and looked. One of the skin tag removal sites is open still and each time I go, I have soreness and/or spasms. I had to take two advil twice yesterday, morning and night because I went three times in am and once in the pm. So I am relieved to know what the pain is. My CRS said 6 weeks for the tag removal sites to heal. We'll see...If anyone can comment on that, would be great!

For all you LIS worriers: do the LIS, do not even think about it. Do not suffer one more day with fissure pain. I waited THREE years and suffered the last three months during the holidays with fissure pain. The LIS surgery is a piece of cake. Just follow a good diet and take your fiber supplements, stool softeners and you will be fine within a week.

I had three procedures done: the LIS, the tag removal, and the fissurectomy so I supposed that is why I am still sore.

But as far as the LIS, I don't even feel that incision.

Hope that helps! Happy BMs to everyone!
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Re: Day 7 Post LIS Surgery EUREKA!

Postby havefaith » 19 Jan 2014, 14:16

Im so glad that this is coming along so well!!! In 2-3 weeks time i hope you and your new bum will be pain free and loving life. This is motivating!!
I have faith in you always, i love you like my own son or daughter, when you hurt, i hurt. Let us all be each others guiding light, and heal without anxiety :) Much love to all.
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Re: Day 7 Post LIS Surgery EUREKA!

Postby splinterboy2013 » 21 Jan 2014, 13:23

Good luck hatetopoop, i wish i wasnt such a chiken and go for the surgery, ive been dealing with fissures for 3 yeears now...its tiring...just really scared to go for the surgery. If anyone can recommend a good crs in NY let me know.
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Re: Day 7 Post LIS Surgery EUREKA!

Postby Hatetopoop » 21 Jan 2014, 13:28

Hi splinterboy2013, trust me, there is no bigger chicken than ME! LOL I was terrified up until the minute they wheeled me in the operating room. Good thing they give me a sedative. After that, it was all rainbows...LOL

Truly, and I would not say this if not from the heart. STOP your suffering and just do it. Do not think twice about it. LIS surgery is 95% success rate and the recovery is no worse than what you are suffering now. No, I take the's nowhere as painful as it is now. I speak on behalf of many others that feel this way. Just do it! The LIS surgery is a piece of cake.
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