Hi all.
3 yrs ago fissure first appeared after bad bout of gastroentiritis,eating shit n stress over early pregnany which ended in miscarriage. Morning of d&c was suffering worst spasms ever so was relieved to be knocked out for op. Fasted few days n the fissure healed. After having my daughter 2 yrs ago it came back but I managed thru fasting again. WELL a month or so ago it's back with a vengeance and I'm desperate this time. I'm lying in the bath as I write as only way to make pain subside. Chronic fissure that doesn't respond to conservative remedies. I'm in Italy and the GTN cream costs 74 euros plus am terrified of side effects. Will call proctologist tomorrow but I know he'll advise surgery. I'm vegetarian, v fit but have thyroid disease that I feel can cause harder stools at times plus am a total stress head.
I suppose I'm looking for support as am depressed. Have had hardly any food over Xmas period as am terrified of pooing. The pain is akin to shards of glass being stuck up my anus. I also have huge sentinel pile and hems. My whole arse looks like a car crash. The fissure looks v deep and sub muscular. I know if I fast 3 days it could heal but am soo hungry in the evenings when the spasms subside after 8 hrs of agony. Plus am still breastfeeding. Any advice? Shall I just go for the surgery or try GTN cream first? I'm prone to migraines tho and have low blood pressure.
Thanks and you people are my brothers n sisters in suffering as this is worse than child birth which I've done twice with no pain relief whatsoever.