Diltiazem destroyed my progress!

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Diltiazem destroyed my progress!

Postby b-complex » 01 Feb 2018, 08:11

34 old guy , have fissure for 2 years .

began with ISDN creme (Isosorbide dinitrate
) , first week it gave me a lot of headache , but i found a way to avoid it by taking in a painkiller before putting on the creme.
painkiller named ibuprofen (3 pills a day , every 4 hours one) .
a little bit stronger than normal paracetamol bc those don't work .
the pain level was non existence , i could live a normal life.

soo fast forward , last week went to hospital to check bc got a little bit of pain , and it was swollen .
so the guy tells me use this creme and if that wont work we will do Botox.

he gave me diltiazem , i told him that i use ISDN , he labeld it as 'old' and diltiazem as new :scratch:
so i believed him , and took it as a fool. :~!@:

sooo i experienced the side effect immediately , the itch and over my whole body , red spots etc...
done it 4 days and it broke me mentally and stopped it . called the doc to tell him i stopped it .

but my fissure is terrible , in those 4 days it destroyed what i have accomplished with ISDN . :sadd:
i dont understand it , its now 5 days am OFF it , but i still get itchy and itchy in fissure area.

is that normal that the itch part stays behind , or is the diltiazem stuff still in my system ???
how long does it take to get it out of my system (itch disappearing ) , or is there a way to stop the itching ??

i dont get it , i wish things went back to normal circumstances under ISDN . life was better.
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Re: Diltiazem destroyed my progress!

Postby Mypoorbutt » 02 Feb 2018, 05:47

I had an awful reaction to diliatazem my whole lower body felt like it was on fire and the pain it caused the fissure was indescribable...I only applied it 4 times but I was in serious agony from it for over a week.
I found GTN much better and as I don’t even get a proper headache from it, it’s ideal for me
I’m sure the reaction will stop soon
Good luck
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Re: Diltiazem destroyed my progress!

Postby b-complex » 03 Feb 2018, 04:12

the itchy reaction is gone for 85%, i can go to the bathroom normally now with minimum pain .
only got the itch on the outside . i took me almost a week to get that diltia... out of my system.
been sticking now with ISDN creme , that works for me , no headache etc...
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Re: Diltiazem destroyed my progress!

Postby b-complex » 13 Feb 2018, 08:54

am back @ 13 feb , and using ISDN creme (my old one) and stopped dilt creme cold turkey .
i can say i went back to my original state , i can say that i am PAIN FREE going during bowel movement.
i sleep without itch or pain at night . as if am NORMAL. i do still eat small portions and drink a lot of water and thee.
that creates that my dump is very large but SOFT , i never have to put insane pressure when i go.
the crazy itch is 99,7% gone around my anus , only a little bit of itch on body like sometimes 5%.
but it seems that dilt..creme. stuff has been vanished out of my system(blood).

i did change my way on putting on the ISDN creme that i didnt do before , in the beginning of the fissure i only did it on the outside of the anus , that is what i thought at the time was right.
now after hospital check they told me i have to put inside too . SO i bought rubber gloves and cut off the fingers and use my middle finger(with rubber) to put majority in the anus. (its not that hard , when you have this potty you are sitting in a squat position makes it easy.)

my toilet visit is so fast that its done deal within 3min (dump incl creme). PAINLESS & EASY.

keep drinking a lot to soften what you eat , i always drink water when i eat. seems to work . (no ice cold water , in the middle)
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Re: Diltiazem destroyed my progress!

Postby b-complex » 21 Feb 2018, 14:00

so today i had a little SETBACK .

i ate something i shouldn't eat . and it tear it a little bit i think BC i saw a LITTLE BIT OF BLOOD .
it didn't dripped or something , i just felt that BURNING feeling then you touch a scar. just a little NOT TOO MUCH.


dont know why , but every time i eat scrambled eggs my bowel movement gets tough.
i didn't eat it for ages now , but made the mistake and ate them 3 in total yesterday i think .
and that made my scar tier a little , WHEN i put the cream on it , i felt it burning a little bit bc of the contact on it.

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Re: Diltiazem destroyed my progress!

Postby mike1971 » 27 Jun 2018, 06:12

Hey guys my surgeon px this diltiazem cream I applied it last night (pea size amount) on outside around anus after bowel movement and shower (10 pm).

Two hours later (12 am) I began to have burning pains. At 2 am I had to soap and rinse the area due to increasing pain.

At 3 am the pain had dropped some.

It's 7 am and I'm still experiencing the pain. Very uncomfortable.

I have a small open wound from fistulotomy surgery last month and an external hemorrhoid (may have internals too).

Is t possible this cream is irritating the wound and hems a lot more than usual?

I've been having pains (spasms?) after bowel movements that last a few hours but this is much more painful than usual. :(
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Re: Diltiazem destroyed my progress!

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 28 Jun 2018, 01:46

B-complex that is great news! I hope you continue to feel better to the point you can forget about your fissure entirely. Luckily you’ve caught your setback while it is small and identified the culprit. Yes eggs are known to constipate some people, as are bananas, rice and carrots. It’s all a matter of trial and error.
Deleted User 7114

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