Hi, I’m needing some advice! I’ve had my AF for about 2.5 years - it developed after I had my first baby. It took about 6 months before it was correctly diagnosed, and by that time it had become chronic. I’ve managed it with diltiazem for the past 2 years (and even had another baby during that time - went just fine). But for the past 4 months, the diltiazem has just not been working anymore!! It takes the edge off the pain & maybe begins to heal it, but then it just tears again so easily. I used to only use the diltiazem for 2 weeks every other month or so, but now I’m using it every single day & still in pain. My fissure never bleeds, just causes pain.
I take miralax daily & watch my diet, so my stool stays pretty soft. But that doesn’t seem to matter. Sometimes it seems to tear when I’m not even in the process of pooping.
I had been using a diltiazem/hydrocortisone combo (now on just diltiazem) - so I wonder if I could have overdone the hydrocortisone & weakened my tissues (my GI says that can happen)?
I don’t think I’m ready for surgery yet - my GI has recommended I wait for surgery until I’m done having kids (and I’m hoping to have a couple more). So any tips?? Has anyone else experienced this? What else can I try? Are there other creams besides diltiazem? More natural methods of healing that have worked? Is it possible that I just need to keep using diltiazem straight for a few more months & I can get back to a more solid situation? Is botox a good option…?
I’m meeting with my GI again in a few weeks, hopefully I will learn some things there. But would love some help from you guys too.
So thankful for this community & a place where I can talk about my pain in the butt. <3