in an effort to lower my cholesterol some I have been taking in enormous amounts of fiber and whole grains. 2-3 servings of fruit daily and 3-4 vegetables. I work out 3 times a week and drink ONE GALLON of water a day.
2.5 weeks ago, I noticed a small dab of bright red blood on the toilet paper. A couple of days, with each bowel movement there is that bit of blood. Then early last week there was pain with the bowel movement. It's like right on the tip of my anus I would say. I'll start to have the bowel movement and about halfway through it there is a sharp pain until the movement falls in the toilet. If I wipe directly after, there is bright red blood on the first wipe. And by the second or third wipe, it diminishes to nothing. A couple of days this past week it's like my anus area would throb or burn. Sometimes an hour or so, but sometimes for HOURS. Few things:
- there is never blood in the bowl.
- There is no blood in my underwear or on the bed sheets
- I don't have abdominal pain
- no pain when I sleep.
- I've been trying to take a SITZ bath once a day. It makes it feel a little better after
- I've been using Charmin Wet Toilet paper wipes
- After a SITZ bath, I use coconut oil to rub around the rim of my anus to promote healing
- I'm taking daily - Colace stool softener, 3 fiber tablets, and one 500mg Turmeric supplement
I'm really at a loss on what I have. Or how do heal this? I'm scared.