Do we all have high anxiety/stress

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Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby missy moo » 30 Jun 2018, 18:30

I'm wondering how many of us have high anxiety or stress how many of us think to much or are worriers by nature, do we all have this in common? I wouldn't be surprised if we all did. Maybe this caused a tighter then normal anal muscle to start with.
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Re: Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby Fissuretraveler » 30 Jun 2018, 20:18

OMG- I know I totally fall into this category and it is even worse now! I have always been a tight ass literally and somewhat figuratively, very much a TYPE A. I had a great ability to role with any situation and then de-stress after. This is what probably gave me the hemorrhoids and ultimately the fissure. But the last year and half has totally broken me. Anything out of the ordinary makes me anxious and when my routine for my ass is off-you best stay clear of me. I have the great ability to take the slightest twinge in my ass and make myself believe I have another HUGE problem!
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Re: Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby missy moo » 30 Jun 2018, 21:15

Oh yea me too I've always had high anxiety been treated for it on an off but would rather not take anything for it because the fear of what symptoms I mite get creates more anxiety so I've never stayed on medication very long. I upgraded from anxiety to panic attacks 9 months ago thank goodness those have passed an I haven't had any since
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Re: Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby b-complex » 01 Jul 2018, 05:46

yes , social anxiety / depress.
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Re: Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby Chambers21 » 01 Jul 2018, 12:39

Yes! I am the same. Although, I think almost anyone will tell you they have anxiety, in one form or another. Something that has seriously helped my anxiety, is CBD oil! Trust me, this stuff really works and has ZERO side effects. is the cheapest place to purchase for anyone in the UK. Seems expensive at first, but one bottle goes a long way and i would pay 10x the price for the results I have had from it.
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Re: Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby missy moo » 01 Jul 2018, 14:44

Me too b-complex social anxiety. Chambers21 I mean daily anxiety disruptive anxiety my family can see it. Is that an all natural product is it?
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Re: Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby missy moo » 01 Jul 2018, 15:09

I think maybe anxiety helps cause a fissure then helps keep them there with daily anxiety. It's hard to relax when your life revolves around your bum an what level of pain it mite be in each day, plus water food sitting no available toilet creams cleaning up afterwards people finding out avoiding normal activities shame pain fear. It's a vicious cycle we all need to break, maybe working on any emotional issues would help or just talking to a professional maybe we have some memories or issues we weren't aware of.
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Re: Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby hurtinend » 01 Jul 2018, 15:59

Chambers21 wrote:Yes! I am the same. Although, I think almost anyone will tell you they have anxiety, in one form or another. Something that has seriously helped my anxiety, is CBD oil! Trust me, this stuff really works and has ZERO side effects. is the cheapest place to purchase for anyone in the UK. Seems expensive at first, but one bottle goes a long way and i would pay 10x the price for the results I have had from it.

How much do you take per dose/day? I’ve tried CBD oil but found zero effect, maybe I didn’t take enough....
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Re: Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby missy moo » 01 Jul 2018, 16:43

I believe we mite have a higher level of shame fear holding onto hurts from the past or feeling inferior I fall into all these categories.
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Re: Do we all have high anxiety/stress

Postby Fissuretraveler » 01 Jul 2018, 18:38

I know I have a huge amount of regret. I wish I never ever had my roids removed which gave me the fissure. I thought having the roids gone was going to give me a new lease on life-hardly! Things are so much worse now!!!!! I think I was looking for a quick fix -instead I got a life changer!
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