Drainage of a high fistula

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Drainage of a high fistula

Postby val » 07 Jul 2011, 13:57

I just thought I would share some info, in case anyone was doing a search after freaking out (like I was!) about drainage!
I had an infection in the wound a week post-op, which cleared up with antibiotics. On tuesday, after feeling like everything was going well and I was healing, I had all the symptoms of a fistula back - pain, itching and discharge.
I saw my CRS last night and he draws me diagrams! He showed me where the muscle is, and where the fistula had gone through it. He said he laid it open up to the muscle, but the fistula was still in the muscle. As the swelling goes down, it then enables the fistula to drain through the open track! So the drainage was ok. He did say he might order an MRI at my check up in august, just to make sure the fistula wasn't tracking upwards (Holy cr*p, that's all I need!! ) but, although it's still an open wound, it's all fine.
I just thought that might help someone going through the same thing! Image
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Re: Drainage of a high fistula

Postby SummerGal » 07 Jul 2011, 14:24

Scary stuff, isn't it? I am glad he explained it all to you and he doesn't think it's a complication. I had an abcess rupture a few weeks ago and I still have a draining fistula. That is one thing I am having surgery for on the 29th. Some days drains more than others, so that always freaks me out when it's more rather than less. I am thinking about going to a family reunion out of state this weekend, but not sure what to do. One doc hinted I shouldn't go and my second doc said it was okay, since it's draining. I am confused! lol
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Re: Drainage of a high fistula

Postby val » 07 Jul 2011, 14:51

I was told when I had both my fistulas that it's better when it drains as the bad stuff is coming out. You don't want it healing on the outside or it will drain inwards - not a good thing to happen, that's when the fistula tracks higher.
So, although it looks scary and is uncomfortable, it's fine!
If you feel you are up to going, then maybe a break will do you good - take your mind off things. I travelled (only in a car though) when I had a draining fistula. Just remember to pack all your stool softeners ect ect!
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Re: Drainage of a high fistula

Postby SummerGal » 07 Jul 2011, 15:32

Thanks Val! That does make me feel better. I had gone to the CRS for a consult the other day, and it's been draining more since then. Maybe his pushing on it or something loosened things up. Bleck! I will probably go on the trip, since it's just a weekend. I too am driving. I don't want surgery, but I can't wait to get this fixed!
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Re: Drainage of a high fistula

Postby PaulsPain » 07 Jul 2011, 16:08

Hi Val-
Did he tell you where your fistula started and ended? So part of the tract was left alone in the muscle? If the outside area heals before the inside muscle is healed are you not going to have another issue - abscess or the thing going elsewhere?
I am somewhat surprised that they would leave part of the tract closed while opening the other portion. I have researched fistula's to death and haven't run across this method so I am a little curious. It seems the advanced flap (my CRS's preferred method), fribin glue, and cutting seton are the most prevalent methods for high fistula treatment when muscle is involved.
If I hadn't been diagnosed with Crohn's my CRS would have repaired my high draining fistula with the advanced flap method which he has a very high success rate.
It is true that if the fistula is draining that it will the keep abscess cavity draining. If it closes then you have a risk of having the abscess form again.
Hoping your surgery goes well on the 29th. Also, if you think you are getting another abscess you should call your CRS right away since they are usually need to be drained ASAP. Take care.
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Re: Drainage of a high fistula

Postby SummerGal » 07 Jul 2011, 16:13

Thanks Paul for the advice! I have had to learn a lot in the last few weeks. Bleck!
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Re: Drainage of a high fistula

Postby Deleted User 579 » 07 Jul 2011, 17:43

Thanks so much for sharing this information, Val! Like Paul, I'm also quite curious about your procedure. I was also told that it is definitely better when drainage is happening. I really hope you are doing well now and kicking that infection right out! It is really great having people like you and Paul to share information about fistulas and other complications. Thanks to you too Paul! :)You guys have really helped a nervous wreck like me.
Summer - I definitely understand how you're feeling about the surgery! During pre-op assessment, they took my pulse, and boy, was my heart racing! But, honestly, the surgery is not bad at all. Give yourself permission to look forward to it - it will fix you and you will get better! Image
Deleted User 579

Re: Drainage of a high fistula

Postby SummerGal » 07 Jul 2011, 18:59

That last line really struck home Hope. I never really thought of it in that light, since I have been just been in anxiety and fear of the upcoming painful recovery. I will try my best to remind myselfself, that it will be worth it in the end, and hope it will soon behind me (no pun intended). So is your follow up still tomorrow Hope? I will be thinking about you! I decided to go to my family reunion (unless something goes wrong tomorrow lol), so when I get back Sunday, I hope to see a good report from your doc! hehe Wishing you luck!!! Hugs back! :)
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Re: Drainage of a high fistula

Postby val » 08 Jul 2011, 03:20

Hey Paul - I'm with you there, I couldn't understand it either, in fact when I first came out of surgery I had an argument with the CRS's secretary, saying she'd charged me for a high fistula and it must be a low one as it was laid open. She said no, it was high, and there was a letter to my gp to prove it.
I've read too, that high ones need setons. He showed me by drawing it, and it looked like it had just gone through a portion of the muscle, but I shall ask at my checkup in august as I am a bit baffled - and rather terrified it's going to track off somewhere! If it goes higher, where can it go to??
Hope - BEST OF LUCK TODAY! Hope everything goes well.
Summer, Hope is right, instead of looking at it as something to be scared of, look on it as something, although not very pleasant, a chance for you to get your life back. The first week is the worst, but after that you can gradually see light at the end of a very dark tunnel.
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Re: Drainage of a high fistula

Postby Drainer » 14 Nov 2016, 22:15

Hey Val. When you had your fistula, did you notice any other symptoms than drainage? It seems like a lot of people have really bad pain or obvious abscesses or something like that, but I haven't noticed any of those things. (I myself am experiencing a lot of drainage right now, and I'm not sure what's causing it).
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