Im Desparate...... fiber advice please mines not working

Im Desparate...... fiber advice please mines not working

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Im Desparate...... fiber advice please mines not working

Postby clarissairene » 10 Apr 2018, 08:06

So its been almost 2 years for me with this fissure/fissures. I had a pain of 10 out of 10 all last week and think I reopened it end of February. So, saw my CRS. I never fully followed his instructions last year so I promised him I would. 2 times Konsyl physillium husk, 1 stool softener Colace, Ditlizam cream and lots of water.

I felt last week like the fissure turned into more. He examined me and said nope he sees it deep right in the back. I asked him about abscess and fistulas and he told me to get off the internet. But this pain 24/7 I have feels so much worse then any other fissure I've had. (I do have relief right when I wake up in the morning but then 2 hours later I have a BM and bam.... I'm done for the day in agony)

So for 9 days I have been on the Konsyl twice, Colace once, and 100 oz of water. I am also on this medifast diet so eating healthy. Maybe not eating enough I am thinking. But not changing that yet. I asked him about miralax and he said absolutely not. its not a natural fiber. Stick to konsyl. I keep reading how miralax helps so many here.

So my stool..... I hate talking about this lol. But here goes... 1st and 2nd day wow. what a difference. Soft and all in one shot lol. I still have to push. He says don't push. I have to get it out of there it doesn't just slide out lol. Now after 3rd day.... its formed and still dry. Today is 12th and its still hard and dry! WTF. I am taking all that fiber and Colace. Shouldn't it be soft and fall right out? I am at work sitting on a heating pad in tears. I cant take baths here. I do right when I get home.

Any advice would be great. Should I switch up fiber? take more? Try miralax instead of Colace?

I am also taking Tylenol and half a tramadol for pain but that doesn't even touch it. And I think the Ditalzim cream is burning me too.

** those taking the ditalizm cream... so weird question .... do you just apply to the area or actually go inside? My CRS just said around the area but ive read some that go insdie!

** also.... I saw the CRS last Monday and he examined me. Even stuck his finger in there. Saw blood, saw the fissure and said no, he wouldn't do a rectal exam with the scope. I was insistent that he did since I was missing work and of course worried there was more going on in there. He said you will be in pain I said just do it. I NEVER should have done that and let him :( I feel ike it made it worse. I wasn't in too much pain during it but when I got in the car OMG my pain was like NOTHING ive ever felt before and it hasn't stopped since :(
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Re: Im Desparate...... fiber advice please mines not working

Postby mmklinemm » 10 Apr 2018, 09:37

I'm so sorry you're feeling so horrible. I can totally empathize. Unfortunately, it's all trial and error trying to figure out what works. Do you take a magnesium supplement? Magnesium citrate is good for softening stools. (different-types-of-magnesium-explained-t8706.html) After a long time I found pure psyllium husk fiber powder works best for me. I kept thinking I was taking enough, but then added just a little more and that made a huge difference. As for avoiding straining, I would suggest a Squatty Potty stool. Huge help in having quick and complete BMs! They sell a foldable version that would be good for work. When things were really bad for me and I feared a hard stool, I would take a tablespoon of Kondremul mineral oil at night. They sell it at pharmacies like CVS or Walgreens. It's listed as a laxative, but it isn't a stimulant. It basically makes your stool soft and oily.

I hope some of this helps and you find some relief soon!! :smilyhug:
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Re: Im Desparate...... fiber advice please mines not working

Postby clarissairene » 10 Apr 2018, 15:46

MMKLINEMM- Thanks for responding so fast :) I went and stalked your post all day long. It brought some relief and good info. No, I don't take magnesium but I just ordered it. Worth a shot since Colace isn't working. And just bought the squatty potty on amazon. worth a shot too. I got the portable one. Thanks again :)
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Re: Im Desparate...... fiber advice please mines not working

Postby patience_and_healing » 11 Apr 2018, 12:25

Miralax works better than Colace in my experience. I'm not sure why your doctor is so against using it. Yes for some people it causes irritation, but for many it's a life saver. You don't need to take it forever if you can find a balance in diet and fiber that works for you. It's just a tool to get the fissure to heal up.
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