Finally healed after 6 months

Post Surgery Healing

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Finally healed after 6 months

Postby sandrasmiles7 » 29 Jun 2017, 00:24

I never thought I would heal after my LIS surgery in November. The fissure had healed but the surgery site remained open. I did every possible thing to try to close it including baths, cream, and having soft stools, but then after 5 months I just accepted that I was one of the rare cases that have complications after and would just never heal. I was so depressed about it. I gave up trying to heal. Then all the sudden when I stopped thinking about it and trying for weeks, I realized I was better. No more bleeding and no more pain. I can even have hard stools with no consequences. Never give up it may just take a very long time to heal. :cheers:
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Re: Finally healed after 6 months

Postby VictorianKnight55 » 29 Jun 2017, 21:57

Congrats! Must be a huge relief for you.

I am exactly 7 weeks out of surgery and unfortunately the incision site has not healed yet. It was left open to heal by secondary intention so I guess that is why it is taking so long.

Any tightness during or after BMs though?
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