First anal fissure.

First timer with anal fissures

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First anal fissure.

Postby Jboy22 » 18 Sep 2016, 00:49

Hey there. I have been diagnosed with anal fissures about a week ago and on need of dire help. This entire week every BM has been excruciating and there stinging and burning pain after tbat last a couple of minutes. It's also causing me to only pee when I have a BM. I have started taking stool softners and have just tried applying coconut oil to damaged area. Please help. What should I eat? Should I sit on a donut? What can help with the intense pain? I always feel do dry and sore. What should I eat? Is there anyway to prevent having BM. I have bm almost every 2 hours. How should my stools look?
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Re: First anal fissure.

Postby Buttpalsteven » 18 Sep 2016, 05:54

Regarding food, you should really use the search option on this forum. A lot of people have discussed what foods you should eat (Avoid spicy foods, nuts, processed foods, corn; eat yogurt, broiled chicken, etc..).

However, if you are having a BM every 2 hours I'm not sure if you need a diet overhaul. That is quite frequent. What is your stool like? I encourage you to try increasing fiber as this will provide some form to your BM.

You can Google how stools should look (there are charts and images tgat would be much more useful than me trying to explain to you). There is a wide range of healthy stools. Stools should not be liquid coming out (diarrhea) and they should not be lumpy (as this indicates a harder/dry stool).

You should give sitz baths a try. There are some OTC ointments you can try too. You can read recommendations for different creams on this forum.

What did your doctor recommend for you?
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