Fissure after childbirth - really scared

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Re: Fissure after childbirth - really scared

Postby Courtknee » 01 Jul 2013, 09:36

Yay! I'm definitely praying it continues and heals all the way for you :) I never tried that. I only used the Nitro and that didn't work for me at all, again, probably because my a$$ was so tight. Keep me posted on your recovery :)
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Re: Fissure after childbirth - really scared

Postby guiness » 01 Jul 2013, 09:38

I was on nitro and it made me so dizzy i saw double. I used that for eight weeks, was still bleeding, ect. So i switched to the nifedepine for these last five weeks and the bleeding has stopped and pain is diminishing.
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Re: Fissure after childbirth - really scared

Postby Courtknee » 01 Jul 2013, 09:41

That is so awesome! The nitro was awful for me too. I was dizzy as well and migraines like nobodies business! Yuck!
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Re: Fissure after childbirth - really scared

Postby notmuchfunanymore » 09 Jul 2013, 09:19

Courtknee--- If it's any consolation for the future, I've had a fissure for 1.5 yrs and during that time was pregnant and had a fully natural birth. I was worried about my fissure more than I was worried about labor, but everything went SO fine! The only thing I needed was Miralax, which I am still taking. Happy birth stories are possible!
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Re: Fissure after childbirth - really scared

Postby fissures_can_suck_it » 04 Jun 2015, 11:41

Hi Hurting Girl, congrats on your baby boy! I am pregnant, due in October and had LIS two weeks ago. My recovery has been very rough, but that is because I did this with zero pain killers or ibuprofen (because of being pregnant). Going through the LIS recovery process without some sort of pain or muscle relaxer is nuts, so as long as you can take those (stock up on your breast milk prior if you do pump) you shouldn't have too bad an experience. But keep the fiber up so you don't become constipated. Because of my pregnancy, I got constipated after surgery (even with high fiber intake, diet changes, and stool softener) that I now have developed a sentinel pile (not fun). Just be sure you have support at home to help with the baby and other things. You probably won't be able to comfortably move around a lot at first. And get a sitz bath if you don't already have one. I use it religiously, and it has helped a lot.
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