Fissure friendly snacks!

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Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby Kreaybutt » 13 May 2013, 13:25

What do ya'll think about the "So Delicious" dairy free ice creams? They're made from coconut milk and have no added sugar. I'm already lactose intolerant so I thought these might be good for me. Have you guys tried it? What kind of things do ya'll snack on besides fruits and veggies, if anything? Lol. I miss chocolate the most, does anyone still eat it? Dark chocolate?
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Re: Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby Ever the Optimist » 13 May 2013, 13:43

I have just responded to your other post especially with reference to chocolate!!!! Go read it!! - Other good snacks for me are strips of wholemeal pitta bread dipped in hummus/ packets of raisons/ dried apricots/ dates/ nuts (well-chewed) / those soft fruit-filled high fibre breakfast bars/ bio yogurt/ wholemeal digestive biscuits/ wholemeal blueberry muffins/ fruit "crisps" - all these don't cause me any issues. I eat loads of chocolate (both dark & milk) and as my fissure has just healed, I can honestly say it has not created any issues with me at all Image
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Re: Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby Ever the Optimist » 13 May 2013, 13:48

OOOhh and I forgot my favourite - Flapjacks packed with oats/ honey and dried fruits!!
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
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Re: Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby Luka » 13 May 2013, 14:47

Kale chips! : ) I love them. They are really easy to make (don't buy the ones at the stores... they are a rip-off and have other junk in them you don't need). Just buy a bag of kale (curly kind), break it up into bite-sized pieces, put it in a bowl and combine with one tsp of extra virgin olive oil (not too much, or they will end up soggy) and add some salt (I use No-Salt, which is just potassium) and some garlic powder. Put them on a baking sheet (on parchment paper) and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees until they are nice and crispy, but not burnt. There are plenty of recipes online for them.
Unfortunately, I can't eat dark chocolate anymore due to my acid reflux flaring recently. :( I'm an extreme chocoholic, so this has been very hard for me. I hope I can eat it again someday. It doesn't cause problems for me fissure-wise or BM-wise, but it definitely aggravates my acid reflux. Dark chocolate is very healthy, though, in moderation, and has a good amount of magnesium in it, which is an added bonus. I say eat it if it doesn't bother you.
Frozen yogurt is great, too. I always get vanilla (or taro or green tea) since I can't tolerate the chocolate and add granola as a topping, as well as fresh fruit.
Nuts are also very good, although different people say different things about them (like them cutting the fissure on the way out... I find this kind of hard to believe if you chew them really well and some nuts are soft like pecans). I LOVE pecans and eat a few a day. Just make sure to chew them up thoroughly. Pistachios are good, too.
Also, I eat Nutrigrain bars each day (fruit-filled), blueberry bran muffins (yummy!), and graham crackers (I get the whole wheat ones at Whole Foods). Raisins and prunes are great, too, as well as dried cranberries (although I cannot tolerate them very well due to my acid reflux issues).
I could always use more food and snack ideas that are fissure-friendly, so I'm interested to see what others say. :D
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
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Re: Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby Ever the Optimist » 13 May 2013, 15:02

Yum Luka,
I'm going to give those Kale crisps a go.......Is that a tablespoon of Olive Oil you use or teaspoon?
Frozen yogurt too - good one! x
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
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Re: Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby Luka » 13 May 2013, 15:11

Hi Ever the Optimist,
It's a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Any more than that and they will be soggy. You want them to come out nice and crispy. : ) Hope you enjoy them! :D
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
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Re: Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby Kreaybutt » 13 May 2013, 19:32

Thank you so much for all these snack ideas! :) I love nuts, cashews and pistachios I eat daily! I had chocolate covered strawberries tonight and was in heaven. Made sure to take my full dose of Miralax though. Lol. Another question I have is how late is too late to eat? I'm always hungry and have been snacking on grapes strawberries and. Pistachios all night, would that create constipation or harder stools for morning?
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Re: Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby Just 'Pain' Tired » 13 May 2013, 22:25

well, here's another idea for you snackers! My downfall included a love of chips and popcorn. I have given up both (along with other foods!). But, I have found that rice cakes in moderation to be OK. I also snack on nuts (chew well) and dried fruit. Mostly, though, fewer snacks and more healthy, soluble fiber kinds of foods! Including protein and healthy fats! It seems that quite a few posts are from people foregoing food in general (losing weight to unhealthy levels). I have never been given advice to stop eating or just go liquid or any such thing. I really believe that for healing and the long-term mentality required for this problem, that you need to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. And plenty of fluids....
Am I off-base? Image
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Re: Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby Luka » 13 May 2013, 23:31

Glad to help, Kreaybutt! :) I always have a snack before bed (half a pear and a cup of regular Cheerios) and that doesn't seem to bother me. I don't think it really matters when you eat, as long as it's healthy food and you drink plenty of water. Getting up at night to pee is annoying, though! I'm always pretty regular in the morning.
Just 'Pain' Tired:
Rice cakes are a good idea for snacks. Are there brown rice cakes? I'll have to look into that.
And I agree that it's really important to eat healthy when you have a fissure, since all those nutrients will aid in healing. I try to get plenty of protein (through chicken, fish, some eggs, and nuts), soluble fiber (pears, prunes, etc) and healthy fats (through olive oil and nuts). I also drink a LOT of water throughout the day. It works really well for me. I don't eat much in general, but I make sure everything I eat has nutrients in it and isn't junk.
You're not off-base at all. Starving yourself will just make things worse, in my opinion. You need energy and nutrients to heal. Also, not eating just increases your risk for constipation. That's what happened to me in the beginning when my fissure was at its worst. I stopped eating and got backed up, making things worse. So, I have to eat something throughout the day or I risk having problems.
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
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Re: Fissure friendly snacks!

Postby owmybum » 14 May 2013, 09:24

Luka, those kale crisps sound yum!
I find I can eat chocolate ok. I tend not to be able to eat too much anyway.. I find it a bit sickly after a while.
I tend to snack on grapes, bananas, oaty type bars, potato crisps are fine for me also. I wouldn't be able to go for the rice cakes though... Rice really constipated me!! Yoghurt raisins, dried fruit. Bio yoghurts.
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