Fissure healed but now reopened?!?!

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Fissure healed but now reopened?!?!

Postby NikkiB69 » 27 Jun 2017, 06:21

I've had 1 small fissure for about a year, after having hemmeroid surgery. In that time I've tried prescribed ointments, sitz baths, homemade treatments etc. Lately I've used Prancicure which I read about. It's helped more than anything else, in fact it felt like it had healed! Very little to no pain or bleeding during BM and I could 'sit' comfortably for the first time in many months!! I was getting back to feeling normal and feeling like my usual cheery, optimistic self... But sadly the last week or so it's been painful again, hurts when I go to toilet and have a little bleeding (when I wipe)...
So I think the fissure must have reopened.... :(
Has anyone else experienced this sort of setback? And if so was it just temporary and will it heal completely eventually?!?!
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Re: Fissure healed but now reopened?!?!

Postby OuchX » 27 Jun 2017, 18:59

When I was 14 I had anal irritation with lumps. I went to my GP and he prescribed a cream to sooth irritation with Sitz baths. I didn't get a diagnosis really cause either it was beyond his knowledge or he suspected I'd come back if it got worse. The problem eventually resolved itself but I had a lump back there that took forever to go away. I really become intense about keeping clean and trying to keep fiber high when the issue arose.

Throughout my life I've had what feel like anal irritation and lumps. Later Intense bleeding and what I believe to be fissures caused by chronic constipation. So they seem to come and to go. The past few years been very still = boundbound and they keep coming up and going. Not sure if their fissures or hems. Not sure it would matter or if it could be both.

A huge change in my diet seemed to make matters worse and a lot of time on my rear seated or laying... They are so very slow to heal and I have to admit I though I was done last year but they came back. So they should go away. I am trying to avoid my ole GastroDoctor right now. Last time I saw him about intense anal bleeding he went straight in with the Scope and I don't feel like going through that now. I suppose if it doesn't get better I will be in there. If there is any intense bleeding, difficulty passing a stool.

I'm sorry you're having this issue! I am sharing my experience as many years I've had no issues at all.
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