Fissure - How I got rid of it

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Fissure - How I got rid of it

Postby Nectarine » 26 Sep 2018, 16:34

Hi everyone

I am writing here because I hope to help someone to get their life back.

I suffered from a fissure for almost 2 years. The first bad crisis was mistaken for bad piles (which I also had), even if I knew, from the level of pain you all know well, that it was a different league of PAIN.

Somehow it went away, but came back a few months later, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH worse. Blood, the worst pain of my life (I suffer from neuralgia, so I am used to pain, but this, this just was different), I'd faint after going to the loo, I don't need to say more as you all know what it is like.

Unfortunately, where I live there are 2 options: Rectogesic (bless it!!!!!!) or surgery.

After months of agony, I went to a specialist in my birth Country (Italy) and he literally saved my life. He gave me something called Levorag and said "If it doesn't heal with this, then surgery is the only way out".

I used Levorag for 60 days, 2 times a day, together with other stuff (also to keep my piles "quiet") and those 2 months have been very much up and down. I was better and then the damn thing would come back. Better and then worse, for a while.

3 weeks ago I saw the specialist again and he told me I was looking much better, so there was hope. He told me to take something similar to Movicol (I don't recall the name but will find out if someone's interested) and since that day, the pain has TOTALLY gone.

It's been 3 weeks that I have NO pain whatsoever and I am SO happy I wanted to share it with anybody in my situation and hopefully help someone out there.

So, 2 things: Levorag and Movicol (or equivalent but that doesn't upset my tummy and I don't take the full sachet).

Hope this was useful. Ah, the specialist said that since Levorag came out, they do way less surgery for fissures. I don't work for them btw haha.

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