fissure not healing after LIS

fissure healing time post-LIS retear

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fissure not healing after LIS

Postby caf1988 » 09 May 2016, 22:41


I had LIS 3 weeks ago and the procedure went well. I felt as though my fissure was healed within a week. Keeping up my regime, it was smooth sailing until about 5 days ago. I was trying to cut back on the nightly cap of Miralax (per surgeon's orders, just cutting the dosage down) and I had a definite hard movement and noticible retear. Due to the LIS, the spasms aren't accompanying the pain, but I feel like the fissure is back to its pre-LIS stage and the healing is taking longer.

Should I be worried that the LIS didn't work? I feel like it did not make a difference. My fissure would heal/ retear pre-LIS if I had a hard movement, the same thing that's happening now, so why did I even get surgery?

Can I use the nitro again? When will this thing be healed? When can I eat, exercise normally and stop taking mass amounts of laxatives?

Has anyone else felt like the LIS, while not too brutal of a procedure in itself, just did nothing to improve their situation? I am deeply depressed and I think my surgeon is full of shit. Speaking of shit, sick of fretting over mine. It is to the point where I almost have an eating disorder now.

please help. :( :( :(
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Re: fissure not healing after LIS

Postby FissureFighter80 » 10 May 2016, 15:45

Hi caf1988,

Sorry to hear about your experience. First of all don't worry as stress generally makes things worse in most situations.

I have had LIS about a month ago and still have tiny amount of pain with every BM. As far as I understand LIS doesn't stop fissures from reoccurring it just allows an existing fissure or future fissures to heal properly because after LIS you should not get spasms.

3 weeks is still early days. My surgeon suggested to keep stools soft for atleast a few months to allow the surgical wound and the fissure to heal properly. Pain free doesn't generally mean that full healing has taken place. Also try to emulate squatting position while BM. This can be done by raising your feet level by placing like a small stool or couple of books beneath your feet while sitting on the toilet and also try bending forward while keeping your back straight. This has really helped me with BM's.

If you are still in doubt then consult another surgeon. But before you do make sure that its some one with very good reputation. It could be that like me you have a very tight/small anus so are highly susceptible to fissures.

Best of luck and keep us posted :)
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Re: fissure not healing after LIS

Postby ahoos26 » 10 May 2016, 17:17

Hi caf1988,

I had an LIS on 4/8/16 (along with a fissurectomy and internal IV hemi removed. I am like you, the surgery wasn't really too bad. I was so scared the next day, but every day has been a bit better. Until today. I started to see some blood so I called the nurse line and the doctor is working me in tomorrow to see what's going on. She did say some take longer to heal after others after LIS. So I am hoping that's the case. I agree with FissureFighter, I have a squatty potty and a bidet that I attached to my toilet for $20 on amazon. I use all that, keep all the rough paper away, etc! I am pretty depressed and feeling that I will never get better and this is my lot in life. While I don't think I have had as many issues with pain as others on this board, I get about 4 episodes a year (in the last year) and they last about a that's why I went with the LIS....I couldn't take the lack of progress. I have a friend that is a surgeon and she said she wished all her procedures were 92-95% effective! She said that's an amazing success rate. Hang in there....i know how you feel.
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Re: fissure not healing after LIS

Postby caf1988 » 11 May 2016, 01:29

thanks guys. at certain times of the month its impossible to keep stool soft and i just feel increased pressure down there in general. I think I may have endometriosis. Anyways, if the incision site is suddenly more painful than a week ago, does this indicate infection? I've been sitz bathing constantly, but this would happen to me.
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Re: fissure not healing after LIS

Postby NoName » 02 Jan 2023, 19:12

Hello all,
Oh man my condition is like yours! Fissure not healing almost 4 weeks past LIS. So I was wondering if you could give me an update? Is it fixed now?
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