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Re: Fissure

Postby ESun » 26 Jul 2022, 06:42

This is helpful. I was thinking that rice, etc would make it more bulky, even if "soft" and keep making the fissure re-open.
I will try the cream. Is it called Complete Tissue and Bone? That's what I see on Amazon. I also take aloe, eat very well. But it's so stressful not to be able to figure out the right diet yet. I see a doctor in 2 weeks just to take a look and tell me all they see down there. It's 8 years hemms and a fissure issue on and off so I do feel it's worsened (in site and quantity) down there. I just want someone to look (they haven't in 5 years.) I know in India there is a less invasive treatment but India is far away! For now, I am healing a flare up that occurred 2 weeks ago from too many grains and travel. I juiced for 2 days then I reopened it because I ate too soon. I am on a blended diet now and it's helping as I don't feel pain when I poop. I'll stay on this for a while and work on my healing. I am making sure I'm getting enough Vitamins thru supplements in my smoothies. Again, I wish I knew exactly what to eat for the rest of my life. Will keep my head up!
I am also going to ask my general doctor today to write a referral for a pelvic floor specialist so I can work on relaxing the area too.
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Re: Fissure

Postby Mich21 » 26 Jul 2022, 10:31

Hey there! I am so sorry this is what you’re going through.. it’s truly a nightmare, right?
So, i did no complex carbs for a long time. I started noticing I was too loose (my stool) so I added some type small amount of complex carb. For a while, I was just really constipated bc of the fissure and my fear of going. I think this happens to all of us. During my healing process it was as if my body would not fully release all my stools and I’d pass some, then be in pain until the rest of it all was ready to pass. Sorry for the detail but it may help you as I would get discouraged when I had pain.
The cream was recommended by a bunch of people from a blog site I found that was made in 2000! The cream is called Complete Tissue and Bone, yes, sorry for typo. It’s amazing stuff. It does say comfrey is dangerous but if you call the company, they explain that they have to say that. I just took their liver cleanse while
I used it. It helped within a few days and I believe it is truly what kickstarted my healing.. it did take at least a month for me to get things kinda normal. Once I was normal and going to the bathroom regularly, my hemorrhoids stopped bothering me.
Here is the website that helped the most:

That’s where I learned about the cream and it was so cheap I figured, why not try it.
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Re: Fissure

Postby Mich21 » 26 Jul 2022, 10:34

Try this link and ms the first one was just a link to one persons healing journey. The link above is lots of people’s healing journey you can click on each one and read what they did to heal.
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Re: Fissure

Postby ESun » 26 Jul 2022, 11:06

Thank you!
My doctor said today to be careful with magnesium citrate because it’s a laxative and to stick with stool softeners.
But what are natural stool softeners?
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Re: Fissure

Postby Mich21 » 26 Jul 2022, 11:46

Soooo, I don’t want to argue with your doctor…. But I used Mag citrate for a long time- I think I was deficient in magnesium, it is said that most of us are. That said, after a few months I switched to Calms magnesium (it’s on Amazon) and I drink it nightly, about 2 teaspoons in a mug of warm water. This started moving my bowels in the morning and helped me taper off the aloe. I’m still using it bc it helps me sleep.

Natural stool softeners are better (in my humble opinion)… they include: aloe Vera juice, magnesium glycinate or citrate, I actually prefer eating fruits and veggies to soften me up now that I’m off the aloe. Now that my body is going everyday, my stool is soft. While you’re healing you may want to try the more natural forms, but a lot of people like taking ducosate, or miralax. I just was worried I’d be reliant on that stuff my whole life so I didn’t use it. I also drink a LOT of water through the day and eat dates.
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Re: Fissure

Postby ESun » 26 Jul 2022, 12:03

I hear you. Natural Calm is great and what I use- it converts to mag citrate when mixed with water. So she was just saying it’s still a saline laxative :-)
I think on the dose it recommends it should be fine. And she doesn’t know what it feels like to feel a knife up your ass.
I’m going to trust and focus on healing.
Lots of liquids and smoothies, pelvic floor therapy soon, magnesium from foods in my smoothies and blended soups for now :-)
Herbs that form slippery teas, aloe etc :)

Thank you for the positive vibes and support ❤️
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Re: Fissure

Postby Mich21 » 26 Jul 2022, 12:20

I can tell you are on the right track. I’m always here if you want any support! It’s nice to have people who have gone through it and know that horrible pain.
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Re: Fissure

Postby ESun » 26 Jul 2022, 12:25

Thank you!!!
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