This is helpful. I was thinking that rice, etc would make it more bulky, even if "soft" and keep making the fissure re-open.
I will try the cream. Is it called Complete Tissue and Bone? That's what I see on Amazon. I also take aloe, eat very well. But it's so stressful not to be able to figure out the right diet yet. I see a doctor in 2 weeks just to take a look and tell me all they see down there. It's 8 years hemms and a fissure issue on and off so I do feel it's worsened (in site and quantity) down there. I just want someone to look (they haven't in 5 years.) I know in India there is a less invasive treatment but India is far away! For now, I am healing a flare up that occurred 2 weeks ago from too many grains and travel. I juiced for 2 days then I reopened it because I ate too soon. I am on a blended diet now and it's helping as I don't feel pain when I poop. I'll stay on this for a while and work on my healing. I am making sure I'm getting enough Vitamins thru supplements in my smoothies. Again, I wish I knew exactly what to eat for the rest of my life. Will keep my head up!
I am also going to ask my general doctor today to write a referral for a pelvic floor specialist so I can work on relaxing the area too.