by laban21 » 25 Mar 2015, 12:22
I have had an anal fissure for almost a year and I was misdiagnosed for hemorrhoids by many doctors. One of them even kept talking about all his years of experience saying this is a hemorrhoid despite the fact that I kept feeling pain inside of me like someone stuck a knife down there. It wasn't until I went to the rectal department of the hospital that I was finally diagnosed with a fissure. My surgery day is this April 1st. During my surgery they plan to cut my scar tissue so my fissure has a better chance of healing and they plan to do LIS and they also plan to remove a skin tag and give me botox. Based on all these facts how long will it most likely take for me to recover? And should I cancel the removal of the skin tag because I heard if they remove it before the fissure recovery you can be in too much pain for weeks if not months? What does the recovery pain feel like? Is it worse than the pain after diarrhea where you can't move or walk or sit for 8 or more hours? For me during and after diarrhea was the worst pain because it burned so will the recovery pain be worse than that?
Misdiagnosed with hemorrhoids in summer and fall '14
Diagnosed with an anal fissure in around Sept '14
Nifedipine cream since late '14
Tried botox around Oct/Nov '14
Hemorrhoid mistaken for skin tag until early '15
Fissurectomy April 1st '15