Hi, I had a excision of a sentinel pile, Botox and fissurectomy on the 27 June. At first it was super painful and was in a lot discomfort. Last week I was starting to feel a little better, I was still having some spasms after a bowel movement (I normally have one at night), but by the morning I was feeling fine and the pain would be at pretty low levels.
However, since Saturday, I feel like the spasms have stopped, which means the Botox has kicked in. Yay! But now, I’m just sore constantly. I would say since Saturday I have been at 3 or 4 out of 10 constantly, with the odd surge to 5 after a bowel movement. It feels different from spasming and feels just sore where they removed the skin tag. My question is, did anyone else experience this after this procedure? It almost feels like I got better but now back feeling miserable again, but all day! At least before it was high pain for a couple of hours, now it’s a lower pain but constantly! And if you’ve been through this, how long till the pain from the skin tag removal starts to decline? Any other advice would be great, thanks!!!