Fissurectomy pain greater than fissure pain

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Fissurectomy pain greater than fissure pain

Postby Hpsauxe » 17 Jul 2018, 23:13

Hi, I had a excision of a sentinel pile, Botox and fissurectomy on the 27 June. At first it was super painful and was in a lot discomfort. Last week I was starting to feel a little better, I was still having some spasms after a bowel movement (I normally have one at night), but by the morning I was feeling fine and the pain would be at pretty low levels.
However, since Saturday, I feel like the spasms have stopped, which means the Botox has kicked in. Yay! But now, I’m just sore constantly. I would say since Saturday I have been at 3 or 4 out of 10 constantly, with the odd surge to 5 after a bowel movement. It feels different from spasming and feels just sore where they removed the skin tag. My question is, did anyone else experience this after this procedure? It almost feels like I got better but now back feeling miserable again, but all day! At least before it was high pain for a couple of hours, now it’s a lower pain but constantly! And if you’ve been through this, how long till the pain from the skin tag removal starts to decline? Any other advice would be great, thanks!!!
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Re: Fissurectomy pain greater than fissure pain

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 18 Jul 2018, 07:14

Yes I had that. I’m not sure where my pain was coming from. Whether it was the incision site or the skin tag removal. It took me about 6 weeks to feel less sore. I didn’t manage my BMs properly (didn’t realize I was constipated) so my recovery has been longer, but I only have some soreness when I have a BM and nothing for the rest of the day, so I’m definitely getting better. If I had managed my BMs better, I think I would have had my life back at around 6-8 weeks post surgery. It all depends on the individual and how you heal. I didn’t realize I was constipated because I have BMs at the same time every day and never have to strain, but it turns out that they are dryer than they should be ideally. If you manage your BMs well, you will recover quicker.
Deleted User 7114

Re: Fissurectomy pain greater than fissure pain

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 20 Aug 2018, 05:11

I’m in the same boat as you were hhb. What would you recommend for stools? I am 10days post op and comstapated yesterday now burning after I pushed a little. Doctor recommended I take mineral oil so I am now waiting a bm. Miralax? Stool softener? I feel miralax burns but maybe I wasn’t taking enough. Hope you are well. Thanks for the post
Deleted User 7275

Re: Fissurectomy pain greater than fissure pain

Postby mike1971 » 20 Aug 2018, 06:34

WW .....what is your diet like now?

What are you eating throughout the day and what / how much stool softener are you taking?
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Re: Fissurectomy pain greater than fissure pain

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 20 Aug 2018, 13:22

Stool was large this morning and had a bulb I think due to benefiberand psyllium,but perfectly soft. Saved by mineral oil. 50% better today.

Oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, prunes, apples, peaches, brown rice, lettuce, peanut butter, evoo, back to normal just no more fiber sups, I get enough. I think I’m going to do 1 more night of mineral oil then start fresh miralax and possible docusate.
Deleted User 7275

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