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Postby baker28655 » 29 May 2021, 00:00

Been battling a small fissure( looks small) for about 3 weeks. Horrible pain after bm during bm and pretty much the rest of the day! Seen a gastroenterologist and he has prescribed calcium blocker and lidocaine ( 2.5% , 3.0%) on day 3 no improvement! Also I’m doing sitz baths, fiber, stool softener etc , I have added zinc oxide also as I have read it has beneficial reviews. And most importantly I have prayed for god to take this horrible pain and nightmare away! As I believe god is the only healer when it comes to pain like this . My question is am I doing everything beneficial? What can I expect? And my prayers are with everyone suffering with this!
Thanks for the answers and points as I am open to any information.
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Postby Suxsomuch2 » 31 May 2021, 22:21

Hi Baker. Sounds like you're doing everything right. Hopefully the medication has started helping. It can take several days to kick in. For me the calcium blocker-lido mixture is a life saver. Keeps me mostly pain free. Best case: the meds and baths and fiber will heal you, but if they fail most people on this forum recommend trying LIS (including me). LIS didn't work for me but I'm in the lucky 5% failure group . . . good luck!!
Cancerous polyps May 2018
Confirmed polyps removed July 2019
Extreme pain November 2020
Diagnosed with AF January 2021
LIS February 2021
Not healed
Fibre Addict
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